RF - Re: wagon

AMH/DBLJ orthart at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 15 11:23:34 PDT 1999

Dear Electric Raven's

I receiver the e-mail quoted below and thought I'd let you read my

> "Just received your posting to the ravensfort list.
>     I don't want to sound too eager, here, b/c I do
>     understand the time, money, and energy involved with
>     the following plan, however:  we could just make the
>     wagon.
>     I see three hurdles to clear in this possible project:
>     1. Where to store the thing once we've made it.
>     2. Cost of making it.
>     3. Time necessary to make it.
>     Depending on exactly what kind of wagon you are
>     looking for, I think it can be created for AT MOST
>     $500.
>     I am writing this to you b/c I will volunteer the time
>     and the design skill to create the beast--and I would
>     also be interested in putting some of my funds into a
>     pool to create said object, as well. (no,
>     unfortunately I don't have $500 just lying around in
>     my couch cushions . . .)
>     Tell me what you think."

Dear Not Too Eager,

Well, personally I like the idea.  I think we would be hard pressed to
talk "the Barony" into it due to the price tag.  The question is how
often would we use it at events ?  It WOULD be much more "period" than a
pickup when we're moving things, but it's too easy to just drop that
tailgate... even at an event. (Oh my god/goddess, sacrilege !)

As far as B,W&G goes, if we don't find a wagon, no big deal.  It would
be nice to have one to hang grape vines and "horns of plenty" on
though.  I picture a hay ride type thing with attendees throwing beads
and the sort to the people they pass.  I'm guessing entertainers would
volunteer to ride as they would have a captive audience.

I'm going to kick this out to the Barony to see what happens.  Even if
the wagon doesn't materialize thanks anyway.  I always like to hear new
ideas and it reminded me to ask for MARDI GRAS BEADS AND DOUBLOONS
DONATIONS.  There are just never enough beads or doubloons, are there ?

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