[Ravensfort] GATEHELP!

rachel luce rachel_luce1975 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 4 15:31:00 PDT 2003

            If no one has volunteered by now no one is going to. Stop asking for volunteers and start asking specific people to do it. The worst that can happen is that they'll say "no". 
                -hugs, Isabeau/Xanthe

argentbear <argentbear at pbgilbert.net> wrote:

WE ARE STILL IN NEED OF A HEADGATE, so please if anyone is interested
speak up. It is not difficult, and any that take up this mantle will have
plenty of support.

Here is the current GATE/Troll list along with a few simple policies that
are subject to change.

Policy on gate shifts stands as follows:

1. 2 people per shift
2. First two people that sign up for a shift get that shift as long as one
of them is a Raven's Fort member OR a long time trusted friend of Raven's
Fort .
3. All e-mail received or sent out concerning this Gate/Event will be "CC"
to the Autocrat, Reeves, and Barony Seneschal.

Please Note: This Policy may be changed by the Autocrat/Seneschal/Baron &
Baroness until that time it will stand.

4pm - 6pm full

6pm - 8pm full
Lady Ashlin Chrystal (Bjornsborg)
Lady Isabeau (Raven'sFort)

8pm - 10pm open

10pm - 12 midnight full

12am - 2am 1 slot

2am - 4am open

4am - 6am open

6am - 8am open

8am - 10am open

10am - 12noon open

12noon - 2pm open

2pm - 4pm open

At 4 pm gate will close.
Please feel free to sign up for any of the open positions ! ! !
In Service,
Lord Arturus Gellenus Tiberious

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