[Ravensfort] A Tale of A Spy

byzytym byzytym at att.net
Sat Aug 23 16:02:22 PDT 2008

No crawling.  It got sucked up.  
The chainsaw didn't stop moving when I turned it off.
A real shame.  Non-poisonous. 
It was a nice deep red with black.   
A real Raven's Fort beauty.
Hope there's more.


"what shall it profit a man,
if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul ?"

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sher M 
  To: Ravens Fort 
  Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 4:48 PM
  Subject: [Ravensfort] A Tale of A Spy

  A work party entered the forest at Ravens Fort
  It was a small group watching carefully for marauders and unfriendly spies

  The group worked hard in clearing the land
  They encounter no enemies, no scouts were seen lurking about

  Many trips were made back and forth
  Hauling the debris to the giant fire pile

  They finally took a break so Runa wouldn't fall over
  A nice breeze sprang up to cool the weary group

  One (who shall remain nameless but his initials are VlodNotVlad) returned to the woods
  He carried his trusty chainsaw that had given him fits more than once this day

  We hear some strange sounds coming from the woods
  When an inquiry was made the response was even stranger

  There was muttering about a snake trying to spy out the land
  It seems it crawled into the saw in some strange manner

  It was stuck...(insert chainsaw noise)...Is it still there?
  Yes...(insert more chainsaw noise)...Still there?  Yes!

  So the former Zorcon decided to step in and offer his help
  The one who shall remain nameless (his other initials are Marius) exited the woods

  A snake of horrible proportions was dangling from a twig
  This vicious brute that assaulted the chainsaw exceeded 6" in length

  It gave its all in defending its turf
  It suffer mortal wounds and was dispatched to snake heaven

  Its demise should be a lesson to those who seek to find Defender's weaknesses
  All will be dealt with in the manner most befitting their crimes

  Runa of The Thundering Herd


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