[Ravensfort] important news for Defender

Gary and Carolyn Pace bandb.ravensfort at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 04:51:02 PDT 2011

Greetings to all, Their Stellar Highnesses have two food allergies we need
to remember when we cook for Nobles Luncheon or our feast. The two allergies
are onions and shellfish. Please remember this in your planning and cooking.
  On another note, Lemoine and I offered to put them in a motel in
Hunstville. They will need a room for two nights with a double bed for them
and their entourage. We learned at Round Table that some groups offer this
to traveling Royalty to help offset their costs. Pace and I have learned
very quickly how much it costs for us to travel to an event, use lots of
gasoline and eating, entrance fees etc. If you would be so inclined we would
appreciate a donation to the cause of a motel room in Huntsville. We are
checking into nice but moderately priced places to see what type of cost we
are looking at. I will have a donation box at Populace for this. I know we
offered this out of the kindness of our hearts but wouldn't mind a little
help from the Populace. Anything would be appreciated.
  YIS, and excited,

Pasquale and Giovanna
Baron and Baroness of Raven's Fort
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