[Ravensfort] Fwd: Mundane Expenses & the Barony

Kief av Kiersted sirkief at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 30 20:43:40 PDT 2011

Heilsa all...

I posted this on Facebook and since some folks aren't on that page I'm re-posting it here on the proper list.


Good my Kith and Kin in Ravens Fort...

 financial burden of the Crown and Crown Heirs may well be more 
substantial than many realize... Think, if you will, on the 9 months of 
travel expenses...not only for the Royal Couple...but for members of 
Their entourage...fuel, oil, tires, eating out while on the road to 
Wars, motel and hotel rooms for Themselves and entourage, travel to BoD 
meetings (especially out of Kingdom meetings)...events in other Kingdoms
 (especially if those Kingdoms are our Allies at Wars)...telephone 
bills, equipment and gear costs for the Pageantry that the Populace 
expects of Ansteorran Crowns...and so on...

The cost of becoming a
 Crown can literally cost well over $10,000.00...and that is just a 
little over $1,000.00 per month...sometimes it is a *lot* more...

 groups in Ansteorra have donated funds and taken up collections to 
assist their Crowns and Crown Heirs...indeed, it is a practice 
throughout the Known World...

And...what Noble or Peer of the 
Realm is so base or mean to not offer up that to the Crown what is the 
Crown's just due...? After all, we hold our Titles and Lands through 
Their Sufferance...and I, for one, shall not stint...

golden hued Coins from the lands of distant America do I Promise to 
donate...this Deed I Swear to fulfill on my Belt and Chain...or suffer 
that Punishment given Justly to an Oathbreaker...

I am Sir Kief 
av Kiersted, Baron Ravens Fort, Peer of Ansteorra, 21st Lion of 
Ansteorra, and Bronze in Archaic Thunder...and I made this Oath.


Wæs Þu Hæl in TroÞ and FriÞ...!


"Better the Hammer than the nail..."

Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 11:01:08 -0500
From: danrroberts44 at gmail.com
To: Ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: [Ravensfort] Fwd:  Mundane Expenses & the Barony

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: dan roberts <danrroberts44 at gmail.com>

Date: Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Ravensfort] Mundane Expenses & the Barony
To: Patricia Schmidt <iris20 at sbcglobal.net>

Read again. they are asking for donations. the Baronies money is not being used. As for the use of baroies monies, there has been in the past the ability of a group to use SCA funds to offset the costs for someone coming in and teaching classes etc.(last I heard of this was long ago and I have never seen it done). Crowns in the past have accepted donations to provide the Ansteorran presence at pennsic. DONATIONS, not levies.

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Patricia Schmidt <iris20 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

I must say that paying for hotel rooms by the barony is ridiculous.  Everyone who takes on an office or place of station knows that it will get more expensive to do things.  When did the Barony start picking up personal costs for the B&B, the Royals or any of us for that matter to get to events?  Please don't say, "well, we thought it would be a good thing"... I maintain that if we go in this direction, what's next? Will the Barony will be funding folks' way to Gulf War or Pennsic as an all-expense paid trip?

This may sound hard and terse, but I am curious as to when we began to pay for the mundane expenses of folks getting to events and who decided that? 
 M Jalali of Salamis

Message: 6
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 06:51:02 -0500
From: Gary and Carolyn Pace <bandb.ravensfort at gmail.com>

To: Ravensfort List <ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org>
Subject: [Ravensfort] important news for Defender
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Greetings to all, Their Stellar Highnesses have two food allergies we need
to remember when we cook for Nobles Luncheon or our feast. The two allergies

are onions and shellfish. Please
 remember this in your planning and cooking.
  On another note, Lemoine and I offered to put them in a motel in
Hunstville. They will need a room for two nights with a double bed for them
and their entourage. We learned at Round Table that some groups offer this

to traveling Royalty to help offset their costs. Pace and I have learned
very quickly how much it costs for us to travel to an event, use lots of
gasoline and eating, entrance fees etc. If you would be so inclined we would

appreciate a donation to the cause of a motel room in Huntsville. We are
checking into nice but moderately priced places to see what type of cost we
are looking at. I will have a donation box at Populace for this. I know we

offered this out of the kindness of our hearts but wouldn't mind a little
help from the Populace. Anything would be appreciated.
  YIS, and excited,

Pasquale and Giovanna

Baron and Baroness of
 Raven's Fort


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