[Ravensfort] Fw: [Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] President's Report

Sher M runa.herd at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 27 18:23:10 PDT 2012

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <ea at sca.org>
To: <announcements at lists.sca.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 3:22 PM
Subject: [Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] President's Report

This is the President's report of the actions taken at the SCA, Inc.'s and 
its subsidiaries most recent Board of Directors meetings, held April 28, 
2012, in the Kingdom of Caid. This material may be freely distributed, and 
those receiving it are strongly encouraged to share this information with 
the general membership. Permission is hereby granted to reprint all or part 
of this report in Kingdom, Principality, and local newsletters. It is 
requested that the source of the information be identified as "from the 
President's Report of the April 28, 2012 Board meeting" and that, as far as 
possible, exact quotes be used. Please note that this report is NOT the 
official Minutes of the Board meeting. In case of any discrepancy between 
this document and the approved Minutes, the Minutes are binding. Any 
inaccuracies in reporting contained herein are my own.

Subscriptions to the Board Minutes are available from the SCA, Inc. A 
subscription includes this report in addition to the Minutes approved at the 

Have fun.  Make our game fun for everyone, every day!

Respectfully submitted,
Thomas (Tom) W. Hughes
President, SCA Inc.


The Board approved the Social Media Policy.

The Board approved and the Rules of Submission Handbook from the Laurel 
Sovereign of Arms and directed that the Laurel Sovereign of Arms to change 
the Title to “The Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory: Rules for 

The Finland Membership Requirement Exemption Request was approved regarding 
participation in Crown Lists in compliance with national law.

Corpora change for same sex consorts.  Chairman Vaughn thanked the 
membership for its commentary and noted that more commentary was received on 
this topic than any other topic presented to the membership. Due to the 
commentary received, the Board of Directors is looking for revised language. 
Once created, said language will again be submitted to the membership for 
commentary. Although the Board of Directors could not make any promises 
regarding time, Chairman Vaughn stated that it is their hope to have this 
matter ready for discussion before the third quarter.  By consensus, 
Chairman Vaughn ordered that this be returned for additional work.


The Board approved resolutions regarding the formation of SCA-New Hampshire, 

The Board also approved the Pennsic 2012 Adult Waiver Variance Request and 
the Pennsic 2012 Minor Waiver Variance Request.


The Board approved the President’s Requested Board Action regarding the new 
SCA Organizational Chart for inclusion into the Corporate and Society 
Officers Handbook.  The President had no new policy interpretations or 
requests for new policies.

The President commends all those SCA members and volunteers who continue to 
make our game fun for everyone.  Also, I would like to commend Director Kim 
McAuley for her many years of service to the SCA as director and in her 
other society officer roles; Max Nelson welcome and good luck.  I would also 
like to commend Kim Harvey for her many years as Society Seneschal, Kingdom 
Seneschal and Water 1 at Pennsic; we are going to miss you.  Eric Langhanns 
welcome aboard.  I especially want to commend the Society and Kingdom 
Chroniclers and the cast of many who made the transition to electronic 
newsletters a success.  I also commend all of those SCA members who “opted 
out” of paper newsletters for their current memberships and I commend those 
members who chose not to take paper newsletters when they renewed their 
memberships or paid their memberships for the first time.

It has been an extremely busy quarter!  Many milestones were accomplished 
including the following: 1) Electronic newsletters were launched as a cost 
saving method; 2) the lawsuit in Pennsylvania filed by the Ben Schragger 
plaintiffs was settled; 3) the board put out for comments two major changes 
to Corpora relating to a potential fourth peerage and a potential change to 
Corpora allowing same sex consorts in Crown Tournaments; 4) the board also 
put out comment a potential change to Corpora creating a Recruitment and 
Retention Officer and expanding the role of the SCA’s Chatelaines and 5) a 
request for bids celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the SCA was issued.


Requested Board Actions:

The Board approved the VP of Information Technology’s proposal to develop a 
CRM-ERP (customer relations management – enterprise resource planning) plan. 
He will report back with a detailed proposal at a later date.

The Board concurred that it was within the purview of his office to accept 
computer donations for the SCA.  There were no requests for new policies.

Please send my warmest thanks and commendations to Jason Bird, Cliff 
McMahel, Renee Signorotti and Dori Andrepont for their ongoing critical work 
(and successful launch!) of the E-newsletter portal. Please also commend 
David Weiner, David Dewbre and Marla Lecin for their valuable day to day 
work to keep our technology and associated services running. Lastly, please 
commend Mazelle Attiya, Renee Signorotti, Theresa Anderson and Kim Frey for 
their excellent work on process explanation and future recommendations.

Technology in the SCA continues to move forward at a good pace. We have 
launched the e-newsletter portal and have supplied Directors and Corporate 
officers with tablet computers (replacing their laptops) to lower their 
technology footprint and make their jobs more efficient. We are 
investigating other projects at this time: CRM/ERP platform adoption, and 
SharePoint platform adoption.


The Society Seneschal had no requests for board action
B.   Policy Interpretations

The Board affirmed the Society Seneschal’s policy interpretation regarding 
medical marijuana at SCA events that the SCA does not intervene in the use 
of prescribed medications by individuals at SCA sanctioned events with the 
understanding that the individual using such medications does so in 
accordance to all local, state, and federal regulations regarding the use of 
such medications in that particular jurisdiction.

The Society Seneschal made no requests for New Policies.

D.  Commendations

A special thanks to all of the past and present Board Members, Corporate 
Officers, and Society Officers for making my tenure an adventure to say the 
least!  We have had our ups and downs, but we survived.  Thanks to Patty and 
John Riley for putting up with my Dogs for the last 4 years while I was away 
at meetings- They have been invaluable to me and my Girls- Thank you so 
much, especially after I adopted Crazy Maddie the Greyhound. Thanks to Erik 
Langhanns for taking over this position and stepping in with both feet!  I 
know you will do this job proud.

Thanks to Ron Sargent for all of his hard work in the Middle Kingdom.  It is 
now time to rest- for both of us!  Back to causing trouble!!  Thomas Taylor- 
Thanks for all of our efforts in Trimaris- and you as well deserve a break- 
go back to just being Baron!  I would like to thank George Reed, Renee and 
Theresa, Leslie Fulton, Tom Hughes and Patrick Anderson for being sounding 
boards as well as being invaluable libraries of knowledge.  These folks have 
our history, both past and present, in their heads for the most part and we 
really need to get it written down.  Thanks go out to my Special 
Investigation team members past and present.  Hours of your lives you will 
not get back I know, but remember it is for the betterment of the game.  I 
really appreciate your dedication and reasoning.
Lastly I would like to thank the local and Regional Seneschals - You make 
this game work and we appreciate all you do.  This meeting was the last 
meeting for Kim Harvey as Society Seneschal and she made the following 
statements.  “I would like to say thank you to all for a great three years. 
I would like to send a special thanks to all of the Board Members past and 
present, as well as the Corporate officers and my friends for helping me, 
leading me, arguing with me, and disagreeing with me over time.  Over the 
course of the years we have not always agreed on topics, and our outcomes 
were not always easy to reach, we had to make the hard choices for the love 
of the game and the folks we hold so dear, the members.  So thank you all 
for being so determined and hard headed!  It makes me smile, but I know you 

I have made it a point to promote membership.  Please take the time to 
invite a new face to an event or meeting.  Take the time to talk to people, 
if we all show interest in new comers they will show interest in our 
organization. This will spark the interest we need to keep going.

And please take this time to remember those we have lost over the years. 
Our organization is not getting any younger, we need to remember our history 
and pass it on.  Tell stories around the campfire of days gone by, of those 
dynamic personalities and all their glory and how much they have changes our 
game!  It is our history, it is our game, it is our fun.  I encourage 
everyone to write down those memories.  At Gulf Wars this year we sat around 
the tent remembering our first events and our garb and etc…although times 
have changed the smiles were there which lead to giggles and sometimes 
downright laughter.    We are here to have fun…take the time to do so, I 
know I have the time!  So Kim Harvey- When your time as Seneschal ends what 
are your plans...I am going to Disneyland- It just seems fitting as when I 
stepped down as Queen of the Middle Kingdom those many years ago I left by 
saying I was going to Disney World!  Just saying watch out trouble is back!”


The Vice of the Corporate Office had no requests for board actions, no 
policy interpretations and no requests for new policies.  Renee Signorotti 
commended Mark Faulcon, Director, for his vision and drive to offer the 
option of electronic newsletters to our members, and Rusty Lloyd for his 
expertise at leading the e-newsletter team and making sure that the project 
was completed successfully.

Due to the age of our Oracle database, we are experiencing difficulty 
sending the planned monthly mass email (15,000 recipients) that announces 
availability of the electronic newsletters.  We will be working with the 
e-newsletter site designer to come up with an alternative system for sending 
the notifications, as we feel that this is an important service to offer.

We would like to lend our complete support to the proposal submitted by 
Rusty Lloyd, VP-IT Services for proceeding with the CRM-ERP plan.  It is 
felt that this type of system will benefit the SCA, Inc. as a whole, and 
eliminate duplication of our processes.


The Publications Manager had no requested board actions, no policy 
interpretations and no requests for new policies.

Commendations - As always, it has been a pleasure to work with Gloria 
Woodward, Charles Alderson, Chris Conner, Jennifer Heise, Marla Lecin, Dar’C 
O’Neal, and Stacie Tibbetts. Additionally, the kingdom chroniclers are 
thanked for their ongoing efforts to make e-newsletters a functional 
reality. Finally, for their ongoing efforts, thanks are given to Theresa 
Anderson, John Fulton, Leslie Luther-Fulton, Rusty Lloyd, and Renee 

Publishable summary - E-newsletters are now available, and they have 
received many favorable responses. The Best of Tournaments Illuminated staff 
is now reviewing submissions and past issues to assemble a good variety of 

The Tournaments Illuminated Editor had no requests for policy 
interpretation, new polices or requests for Board Action.  The TI Editor 
cannot thank Art Director Dori Andrepont / Mistress Doria Tecla enough for 
her contributions to the success of this issue.  Tournaments Illuminated 
issue 182 is expected to be mailed March 6, 2012. Issue 183 is in 


The Compleat Anachronist Editor had no requests for policy interpretation, 
new polices or requests for Board Action.  Commendations - Joyce Morris for 
her unfailing putting out beautifully designed issues; and Renee Signorotti 
for keeping the wheels turning. Susan Stallman for this quarter’s 
beautifully illustrated CA.

Upcoming issues for January 2012-December 2012:  Q1, 2012: CA #154: To be a 
Fisher; Q2, 2012: CA #155: Tudor Architecture; Q3, 2012: CA #156: The 
Carolingian Cookbook; Q4, 2012: CA #157: Alcoholic Beverages of the Middle 

We are seeking an Art Director for The Compleat Anachronist to start January 
2013. Assistant
editors and copyeditors for the CA are also earnestly sought


The Society Chronicler requested approval of modification to Chronicler’s 
Policies to allow e-mail address to be used instead of mailing addresses for 
royalty, Society officers, and ombudsmen. The Board approved of modification 
to Chronicler’s Policies to allow e-mail address to be used instead of 
mailing addresses for royalty, Society officers, and ombudsmen effective at 
the close of the April 2012 Quarterly meeting.

The Chronicler requested that announcements from the Board (and associated 
committees) for publication in newsletters be kept short and include the URL 
for additional information.  By consensus, Chairman Vaughn ordered that no 
action be taken.

Commendations - My commendations and sincere thanks are given to Dori, 
Renee, all of the Kingdom Chroniclers and the Board of Directors for their 
hard work in making electronic versions of Kingdom newsletters a reality. 
The Society Chronicler reports that all the Kingdom newsletters are running 
smoothly. The transition to electronic newsletters was smooth thanks to the 
coordinated effort of the Publications Manager and the Kingdom Chroniclers.


The Society Webminister requested approval of modification to the 
Handbook to address non-reporting.  By consensus, Chairman Vaughn ordered 
that no action be taken.

The Society Webminister requested approval of modification to the 
Handbook to address authorship of web materials.  By consensus, Chairman 
Vaughn returned this to In-House Counsel for review and recommendation.

The Society Webminister requested renaming of the Society Webminister’s 
office.  By consensus, Chairman Vaughn returned this the Publications 
Manager for review and recommendation.

The Society Webminister had no requests for policy interpretations or 
requests for Board Actions.

Commendations - I want to thank Jennifer Langley (Sung Sai-erh), Calontir 
Webminister, for continuing to maintain an exemplary site and promoting the 
Webministry in whole and fostering growth.  I want to thank Jonathan Baird 
(Iain Ard mac an Bhaird), AEthelmearc Webminister, for his  continued 
diligence in keeping all websites in his Kingdom compliant with current 
policy and for maintaining an exceptionally high reporting rate for several 
quarters from local Webministers.
I want to thank Judith Winner (Finnseach de Locheil), Middle Kingdom 
Webminister for her
continued work in preparing data for their upcoming server migration and her 
Webteam for keeping their exisiting server running.  I want to thank Dori 
Andrepont (Doria Tecla) for her above and beyond availability to the Office 
of the Society Webminister.

Publishable summary - The Webministers in the Society continue to update 
Kingdom and Local websites and would very much like to hear from any persons 
who have ideas, comments or feedback. As technology becomes more readily 
available websites are changing and one change is the adoption of mobile 
technology and in general we’re becoming more connected as an organization.


The Corporate Treasurer had no requested board actions, no policy 
interpretations and no requests for new policies.

Commendations - I would like to thank all the kingdoms for submitting the 
requested payments for the Settlement in a timely manner. I would also like 
thank all those individuals who renewed their memberships earlier to help 
the cash flow at the corporate office.

Publishable Summary - The SCA, Inc. and its subsidiaries are financially 
stable at this point in time and this office will continue to monitor and 
report to the Board of Directors on a monthly basis the projective cash flow 
status. As a reminder all 2011 Consolidated Kingdom Doomsdays are due to the 
Treasurer by May 31, 2012.


The Board approved the Kingdom of Caid’s Financial Policy.  The Society 
Exchequer had no requests for policy interpretations.  The Board approved 
the Society Exchequer’s request to grant a variance to Kingdom of 
Drachenwald for electronic international transfer with a double 
authorization capability only, since banks aren’t using a paper form in UK. 
And the Board approved a variance to Gulf Wars for electronic transfer of 
funds for the payment of Sales Tax to state of Mississippi.  Sales tax will 
be collected by all vendors and one lump sum will be paid out of Gulf Wars.

Commendations - None

Publishable Summary - Thank you to all of the Kingdom Exchequers and Renee 
for their communication during this office transition. Thank you to Mazelle 
and for working on the Doomsday reports, and assisting in any questions I 
have. I appreciate Guillane du Vaux for maintaining and verifying our NMS 
data is updated. Thankful for Ghita since she is creating and maintaining 
the report forms.


As mentioned above, the Board approved the previously submitted Rules for 
Submission. The Laurel Sovereign of Arms had no policy interpretations or 
requests for new policies.

Commendations - Every so often you hear of someone who has served well and 
long. Garsiyya ibn Ibrahim ibn Sulaiman al-Qurtubi has been serving 
faithfully as Posthorn Herald of Drachenwald (Clerk of Precedence) since 
sometime around July of 2004. This is impressive, and more so when you 
realize he is in the Shire of Adamastor in South Africa, thereby far away 
from the center of the Kingdom. I commend him for his service to his Kingdom 
College of Heralds and the College of Arms as a whole.  I would also like to 
commend Shauna of Carrick Point who has served as my Ragged Staff Herald for 
quite some time. She recently stepped down from that position, but is 
sticking around for a little while longer as my archivist.

Publishable summary- Istvan Tanczos has created a new feature on OSCAR. 
Kingdoms now can use OSCAR to comment on their own internal letters of 
intent. This means that any Kingdom may use the online submissions system, 
online tracking of submissions, and all the other features of OSCAR for 
their commentary.  Wu Yun of Meridies has taken over as the Ragged Staff 


The Society Chatelaine had no requested board actions and no requests for 
policy interpretations.  As mentioned previously, the Board approved the 
Social Media Policy.

Commendations - Every so often you hear of someone who has served well and 
long. Garsiyya
ibn Ibrahim ibn Sulaiman al-Qurtubi has been serving faithfully as Posthorn 
Herald of Drachenwald (Clerk of Precedence) since sometime around July of 
2004. This is impressive, and more so when you realize he is in the Shire of 
Adamastor in South Africa, thereby far away from the center of the Kingdom. 
I commend him for his service to his Kingdom College of Heralds and the 
College of Arms as a whole.  I would also like to commend Shauna of Carrick 
Point who has served as my Ragged Staff Herald for quite some time. She 
recently stepped down from that position, but is sticking around for a 
little while longer as my archivist.

Publishable summary - Istvan Tanczos has created a new feature on OSCAR. 
Kingdoms now can use OSCAR to comment on their own internal letters of 
intent. This means that any Kingdom may use the online submissions system, 
online tracking of submissions, and all the other features of OSCAR for 
their commentary.  Wu Yun of Meridies has taken over as the Ragged Staff 


The Board approved the addition of Low Density Polypropylene Rod to the list 
of acceptable materials for one handed weapons as presented by the Society 
Earl Marshal, effective immediately. The Board returned a series of policy 
interpretations for rules changes to the Marshal Handbook to the Society 
Earl Marshal for further work.

Commendations - Baron Iain Fhearghuis (mka John Schiffermuller) has stepped 
down as deputy of combat archery and is to be commended on the fine job he 
has done for the Society, Thank you and enjoy your retirement.

Publishable summary - The new Participant Handbook is in final edit and 
should be released soon. All martial activities are running smoothly. There 
is a strong core of EM’s and event marshals that work so the rest of us can 
have fun fighting, shooting or riding. Be sure and show them some 


The Minister of Arts and Sciences had no requests for Board action, no 
policy interpretations, and no requests for new policies.  Commendations - I 
would like to thank Master Llewellyn ap Teirnon (Michael Hobbs), for all his 
hard work as the Minister for the Middle Kingdom. He has accomplished an 
enormous amount during his term, as is evident from my reports. Also in the 
Middle Kingdom report are some names of people who he believes were 
instrumental in making his work easier. I would like to thank Saeunn 
Egilsdottir (Sarah Thaler) for all her hard work as the A and S Minister for 
the Kingdom of the West. She has supported this community and her crown well 
throughout her time in this office and is having a well deserved rest.

Publishable summary - All but one Kingdom have reported this quarter. There 
are a number of Bids for Known World Events. This is very exciting. The next 
Known World Bardic Congress and Cooks Collegium will be held in the Outlands 
in April. http://caerthesca.  org/events/KnownWorldCooksandBards2012.shtml. 
Known World Dance and Music Symposium IX is moving along, the web site can 
be found at http://kwdms9.com/index.php?action=default. Event: Known World 
Academy of the Rapier /Known World Costuming Symposium. Date: November 9-10, 
2012. Holiday Inn Itasca IL 60143.  Master Llewellyn ap Teirnon (Mike Hobbs) 
has asked me to have these people recognized, he only gave their SCA names: 
Master Phillipe de Lyon - I simply could not have done any single thing that 
I have accomplished without his support. My Regionals - Orry, Crespine, 
Jolecia, Odile, and Rhonwen (as well as former Regionals Angharad, McKenna 
and Hrolf) for going well above and beyond the call of duty and for helping 
deflect a lot of the angst that my changes to the system caused. Una, 
Vorlin, and Stasi for their incredible amount of help in running the A and S 
Faires each spring.


The Society Chirurgeon requested that the SCA legal committee review some 
question about the regulations, I ask that the SCA’s legal department review 
the regulations and make a ruling.

The Society Chirurgeon requested a policy interpretation on No OTCs of any 
kind will be stored at any Chirurgeons Point in or distributed, even by 
permitting self-serve application, by any chirurgeon working as an event 
chirurgeon or at a Chirurgeons Point at any event in the states of 
Mississippi and Arkansas.  The Board did not approve this policy 
interpretation.  The Society Chirurgeon had no requests for new policies.

Commendations - Thanks to Emma aka Tree for her tenure as Gleann Abhann 
Kingdom Chirurgeon.  I am really appreciative of the number of mentor 
chirurgeons who have taken the role to heart.  Their efforts in advising and 
guiding chirurgeons is invaluable to the SCA.

Publishable summary - Overall the Chirurgeonate is doing great. We are 
starting to see an increase in our numbers.  I have made a new policy 
determination which will go into effect immediately: No OTCs of any kind 
will be stored at any Chirurgeons Point in or distributed, even by 
permitting self-serve application, by any chirurgeon working as an event 
chirurgeon or at a Chirurgeons Point at any event in the states of 
Mississippi and Arkansas.

**Please note that this policy was not passed by the Board of Directors.


The Grand Council had no requests for Board actions, no new policy 
interpretations and no new policy requests.

Publishable summary - The Grand Council notes that the SCA Inc.'s formal 
agreements with its international affiliates are not fully effective and 
that some of the terms of those agreements are not being met.  This report 
attempts to outline these situations and offers several potential 
suggestions for improvements to ameliorate this situation for the Board’s 

The Grand Council has observed that this situation is similar to complaints 
previously heard particularly from transnational Kingdoms.  We wish to 
emphasize that we are only addressing those matters and communications 
related exclusively to the SCA Inc.’s international affiliates in this 
report; however, we wish to point out to the Board that there may be 
opportunities to generalize some of the solutions we suggest domestically as 

C.I.  Problems Involving the International Affiliate Organizations

Problems involving the international affiliate organizations appear to 
revolve around several issues:

C.I.1. The agreements between the affiliates and the SCA Inc. call for 
re-negotiation and review of the agreements at set intervals of every two 
years; however, this is not happening.

C.I.2. There is a general failure by the SCA Inc. to coordinate changes in 
policy or procedure with the international affiliates prior to those changes 
taking place.  In addition, the affiliates are not sufficiently involved 
with the management of the SCA Inc. as outlined in the affiliate agreements.

C.I.3. In several instances, the SCA Inc. has shown a lack of flexibility in 
allowing the affiliates to adapt to their own local circumstances.

C.I.4. There are too many legal venues internationally - so many, in fact, 
that no one can know them all nor predict all possible complications that 
may result upon implementation of new SCA Inc. policies and procedures.

C.II.  Affiliate agreements and SCA Inc./Affiliate contact

We believe a large part of the SCA Inc.’s problem with its affiliates is 
unintended, due in part to the ever-increasing workload that has devolved 
upon the Board of Directors.  Given the existing workload and the 
demonstrated history of being unable to fully manage the relationship with 
the affiliates, we suggest that the Board should find better means of 
managing its workload so that all of the demands of running the Society are 
met.  We are concerned that the BoD may be doing too much and that it should 
consider a redistribution of tasks at the corporate level such that the 
problems of the affiliates can receive the attention they deserve, even in 
the midst of the SCA Inc.’s ongoing USA-centric legal and financial 

A.2. Grand Council Generated Topics

The Grand Council (“GC”) discussed the difficulties that the SCA Inc. has 
had in fulfilling the terms of its agreements with the SCA affiliate 
organizations and with similar problems in its management of non-affiliate 
SCA groups outside of the United States.  The Council also discussed how the 
SCA Inc. could productively address these problems.  The bulk of this report 
presents the results of these discussions.


The Legal Committee had no new requests for Board action, no policy 
interpretations, no new policies and no commendations.  The Legal committee 
updated the equestrian waivers.


The Census Committee’s request to confirm as Co-Chairs: Paul Haines (Alden 
Drake) and Daniel Fenwick (Daniel de Blare) was approved by the Board.  The 
Census Committee had no policy interpretations and no requests for new 

Commendations - Lisa Sawyer (Ysabeau of Prague) and Erik Langhans (Modius 
von Mergentheim) should be recognized and commended for their efforts over 
the past years for serving as Chair and Vice Chair (respectively). We would 
like to thank them for their significant contributions to managing the 2010 
Census. Ms. Sawyer will remain on the Census Committee as a committee member 
and advisor to the new Co-Chairs. Mr. Langhans will be taking the office of 
Society Seneschal. We wish them all the best in their new positions. 
Publishable summary:  There is no publishable data this quarter. We are 
currently projecting tow summary reports for the next two quarters, and one 
report for the remaining quarter. If we have enough resources on hand, we 
will push this schedule up.


A. Legal Matters & Updates
By consensus, Chairman Vaughn took note of In-House Counsel’s report.

B. Exploratory Committee Applicants
By consensus, Chairman Vaughn, remanded this issue to the July 2012 
Quarterly meeting.

C. David Findley – Revocation and Denial of Membership (SCA Name 
Motion by Denise Hundley to amend the item VIII.H of the October 2011 
quarterly minutes as follows:

D. David Findley Absolute Banishment
Motion by Tim Jennings to revoke and deny the membership of David Findley 
(No Society Name Given). Second by Mitch Steck. In favor: John Fulton, 
Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Kim McAuley, Mitch Steck. Absent: Mark 
Faulcon.  Chairman Leslie Vaughn exercised her option to vote and did so in 
favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Motion carried.

Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Mark Faulcon, John Fulton, 
Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Absent: Tim Jennings. Opposed: None. Motion carried

D. Society Webminister Applicants
By consensus, Chairman Vaughn, remanded this issue to the July 2012 
Quarterly meeting.

E. Society Exchequer Applicants
By consensus, Chairman Vaughn, remanded this issue to the July 2012 
Quarterly meeting.

F. Katherine Golightly (Marioun Golightly) Sanction Appeal.  Directors Kim 
McAuley and Tim Jennings recused themselves from voting on this issue. 
Motion by Lisa May to deny the sanction appeal of Katherine Golightly 
(Marioun Golightly).  Second by Denise Hundley. In favor: Mark Faulcon, John 
Fulton, Denise Hundley, Lisa May.  Recused: Tim Jennings, Kim McAuley. 
Chairman Leslie Vaughn exercised her option to vote and did so in favor of 
the motion. Opposed: None. Motion carried.

G. Publication Manager Job Proposal.  By consensus and at the request of the 
Publication Manager, Chairman Vaughn ordered that the position of the 
Publication Manager be reclassified from a salaried position to a stipend 

H. James Dunivan (Drake Metzger von Ratzenburg) – Exile From the Realm. 
Motion by Mark Faulcon to uphold the exile from the realm of James Dunivan 
(Drake Metzger von Ratzenburg) by Aaron and Amelot, King and Queen of 
Ansteorra and to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an investigation into 
a possible revocation and denial of membership. Second by Lisa May.  In 
favor: Mark Faulcon, John Fulton, Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, 
Kim McAuley.  Opposed: None. Chairman Leslie Vaughn exercised her option to 
vote and did so in favor of the motion. Motion carried.

I. Eugene F. Ledbetter - Administrative Sanction.  Motion by Mark Faulcon to 
approve the administration sanction of Eugene F. Ledbetter by the Society 
Seneschal prohibiting him from participation in any and all Society events 
or activities.  Seconded by Tim Jennings. In favor: Mark Faulcon, John 
Fulton, Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Chairman Leslie 
Vaughn exercised her option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. 
Opposed: None. Motion carried.

J. Michael Jon Bayhaus – Exile From the Realm.  Motion by Denise Hundley to 
uphold the exile from the realm of Michael Jon Bayhaus by Aaron and Amelot, 
King and Queen of Ansteorra and direct the Society Seneschal to begin an 
investigation into a possible revocation and denial of membership. Seconded 
by Lisa May. In favor: Mark Faulcon, John Fulton, Denise Hundley, Tim 
Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Opposed: None. Chairman Leslie Vaughn 
exercised her option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Motion 

K. Society Chirurgeon – Travel Reimbursement Appeal.  Motion by John Fulton 
to uphold the appeal by the Society Chirurgeon for reimbursement of travel 
funds and to overturn the decision by the Society President denying 
reimbursement. Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Mark Faulcon, John Fulton, 
Tim Jennings, Kim McAuley, Lisa May. Opposed by Denise Hundley. Motion 

L. Director Selection
By consensus, Chairman Vaughn ordered no action be taken.

M. Amendment to the Society and Corporate Officers Handbook (Organizational 
Chart).  Motion by Mark Faulcon to approve the amendment to the Society and 
Corporate Officers Handbook regarding the Organizational Chart present by 
the Society President, with an amendment to include a key, effective 
immediately. Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, John Fulton, 
Mark Faulcon, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Absent: Tim Jennings. Opposed: None. 
Motion carried.

N. Reclassification of the Position of Vice-President of Information 
Technology.  Motion by Mark Faulcon to reclassify the position of Vice 
President of Information Technology to a stipend position, effective January 
1, 2012. Second by Denise Hundley. In favor: Denise Hundley, John Fulton, 
Mark Faulcon, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Absent: Tim Jennings. Opposed: None. 
Chairman Vaughn exercised her option to vote and did so in favor of the 
motion. Motion carried.

O. Ombudsman Assignments
Chairman Vaughn ordered the following Ombudsman assignments effective as of 
the end of the April 28, 2012 quarterly Board meeting.
Leslie Vaughn, Chairman - President, Society Seneschal, Corporate Office, 
Legal Committee, Executive Assistant, Financial Officers
Mark Faulcon, Vice-Chairman - Æthelmearc, Atlantia, East, Middle, 
Information Technology
John Fulton, Director - An Tir, Caid, West, Marshal, Publishing
Denise Hundley, Director - Ansteorra, Gleann Abhann, Meridies, Trimaris, 
Grand Council
Tim Jennings, Director - Drachenwald, Lochac, A& S, Board Recruiting
Lisa A. May, Director - Atenveldt, Artemesia, Outlands, Northshield
Max Nelson, Director - Calontir, Ealdormere, Heralds, Census, Chirurgeon

Pre-closing business
Chairman Vaughn noted that this was the last meeting for Society Seneschal 
Kim Harvey and Director Kim McAuley. Both were thanked for their outstanding 
service to the Society and were allowed opportunities to make parting 
statements. At this point Chairman Vaughn, per tradition passed the gavel to 
her to close the meeting.


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