[Ravensfort] Site prep days for AAoRF

John Reuter brian.the.norman at gmail.com
Sun Aug 17 19:53:29 PDT 2014

Hello populace of Raven's Fort and surrounding guests.
We are nearing our great anniversary event. The next to preparation days are August 30th and 31st and September 13th and 14th. 
We need to finish repairs on the kitchen and prep them for painting. 
Situate and repair the bardic stage.
Clean out the equestrian stalls.
Bring down the one inch square tent frames for the big blue tents and cut and set the rapier field posts.

Yours in Service


A knight is sworn to valour 
His heart knows only virtue 
His blade defends the helpless 
His might upholds the weak 
His word speaks only truth 
His wrath undoes the wicked.

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