[Ravensfort] Armored Combat list at Defender of the Fort XXXVI

John Reuter brian.the.norman at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 19:44:11 PDT 2018

The Defender of the Fort XXXVI

The Armored Combat list will consist of the following:   

A swiss 5 tourney. 

First round: sword and shield using Heralds to announce you in to the list. 
(Be kind to your heralds)

Second round: Glaive

Third round: 6ft spear

Fourth round: sword and buckler

Fifth round: two sword. 

This is tourney after the first round will be fought in the traditional challenge format.  On the field you will have a barrier and two round circles. These are to be used to prove your prowess and skill. Use them with the weapons styles for each round to earn an extra point if you win!
Each round will last a half hour.

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