[Ravensfort] Work weekend on July 28th update

John Reuter brian.the.norman at gmail.com
Sun Jul 22 18:10:35 PDT 2018

Update about the work weekend on July 28th:

After consulting with their Excellencies and the Seneschal, the Kill and Grill portion of the work weekend is not going to happen. 

We will be working on the doors and windows Saturday morning and painting them with Baron Elrique’s paint equipment.

No portacan will be on site, but my home will be available for restroom breaks if needed.

There are several reasons for the change in plans. The main reason is that the SHIRE of Graywood (announced at Round Table) is co-hosting the middle eastern event this weekend and really can not come out. Secondly, it is going to be real hot and we will only be on site working until around noonish. Thirdly, we have a Scribes Guild meeting on Sunday that need scrolls and charters for the event painted. This To be held at the fire station on Veterans Memorial Dr.  H.E. Chrystal would be very happy if we attended and helped paint scrolls.

Please bring water and work gloves. We will be painting, so wear clothes that you do not mind getting paint on. We ask that you do not park near the two buildings due to overspray that could land on your vehicles. 

I will be on site at 8:00 am.

We hope to see you there.

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