[Raven's Fort] Minutes from the Populace Meeting, May 7th, 2023

Seneschal of Raven's Fort seneschal at ravens-fort.ansteorra.org
Thu May 11 10:32:14 PDT 2023

Greetings unto the Barony of the Raven's Fort,
Here are the minutes from the May 7th populace meeting, courtesy of Mst
Annes, OP:

The seneschal, HE Fionna called the populace meeting to order at Thoreau
Woods Unitarian Church, 144 E. Mosley St., Huntsville, Tx at 2:07 PM,
Sunday, 5/7/2023.
HE Fionna: Is this time good for you? (discussion of time) I will put a
poll on the Facebook group page to be sure that 2 PM is good with the
majority of the group.
Question from assembled: Can we put notes of the populace meeting onto the
Facebook group page for those who can not attend? Discussion: Who is going
to take and post the notes? Resolution: Mst. Annes will take notes this
meeting and future meetings, transcribe them for Fionna who will approve
and post them. Lady Maria will take notes at future meetings if Annes is
not able to attend.
Further discussion concerning the scribes email address. Who uses it? Is it
an office or for the scribes guild? HE Marie de Meaux will research this.
Lady Joton: There was previous discussion about using the building for
other activities such as fighter practice and scribes. Be aware that she
can open the church as the times we need and will just need a heads up when
the last person leaves so she can secure the building.
Exchequer report: The barony has over $3,000 in the bank. She wrote the
check for the mailbox. All the reports are now signed and ready to be
submitted. Discussion of Mst. Meach and applying for office of reeve. Is
she eligible since she lives in a Stargate zip code? Also if she is reeve,
she can't be autocrat for Defender. HE Marie will confirm these issues and
their resolution. Maria said her warrant was out in January but will have
to stay on through July so whoever takes over as reeve can take the classes
at RoundTable in June. Regional exchequer (Renee Bolduk) is aware.
Knight Marshall report: Fighter Practice now happens in two
locations--every Monday 7-9 pm in Madisonville and every Wednesday 7-9 pm
at CandyCane park in Conroe.Wednesday May 17th, Rapier Marshall, HE
Chrystal will be out of town. HE Marie will sub for her that evening. HE
Chrystal is working on loaner armor for rapier. There is one loaner set but
no blades. Question to HE about buying one. Answer: very expensive with
cheap blades going for $400 and up. Does not want liability so not
providing loaner blades. Present fighters share blades to practice. Rapier
has been having 3-4 fighters per practice. If you want to do the Reduced
Armor experiment, you must be an authorized fighter. Please get with HE
Chrystal if interested. HE Marie spoke with Don Miles,. Regional Rapier
Marshal, at Coastal Martial event Saturday and the gorget is not part of
the experiment. At the moment, there is no end date on the experiment.
Archery Marshal report: Practice is the 1sr, 3rd and 5th Mondays at
Madisonville. 3rd or 4th Sundays at Dragonslair. May 21sr, June 25th, July
23rd, and August 27th. Question from assembled: Can you use fiber glass
shafts? Answer: Can be used at practice depending on the type as some will
destroy the targets. Can't be used at events nor in Competition. We can not
use crossbows at Madisonville as per city ordinance. Still trying to secure
permission on that. Crossbows can be used at Dragonslair. We are also
working on getting a combat archery authorized marshal. Question: Can
anyone make arrows in the group? Answer: Several. Information: Waivers are
now straightened out as to who gets them and copies will be sent to the
seneschal also.
Hospitaler: nothing to report
Webminister: nothing about office but need a social media officer to
request an updat to the email list. The software is not ours and belongs to
the kingdom.
Discussion of Regional Practice: It has been getting bigger every time it
gets held. This regional practice will allow camping. Will be buying two
port0potties for this practice. We need to get out to the stones on work
days and get it ready. This Sunday, May 14 from 8 am to 2 pm is a workday.
Everyone who can is urged to come help. Centurion Thorgard (Mark Burns)
will dig the holes for the needed poles. Mst Annes will provide lunch for
the workers on this workday.Discussion: Shall there be a donation box to
help pay for the port0pots? Affirmative...who is going to watch it?
Resolution put off for now.
Lady Jotan: We need signs at the intersection of 75 and E. Mosley and also
a sign where you turn in for the church. HE Chrystal has signs that can be
HE Marie talked to the Kingdom seneschal Mst, Myfanwy. The board is trying
to repair their damaged reputation and is about to release some aggressive
membership perks. Stay tuned for more.
A&S: will work on having some classes at next populace meeting. Lady Maria
has volunteered for a fingerloop braiding class. Scribes guild will be
painting scrolls for defenders.
HE Jeremy: Lots of good ideas on populace meetings. Thank you for all your
hard work. Please pitch in on site work and scrolls. We are moving areas
around at the stones so try to come out if you can. Side note: The site
owner says he hasn't gotten a check for the last event. Maria said no one
told her she needed to write one so she wrote one on the spot and gave it
to Their Excellencies to deliver.
Meeting adjorned at 3:15 pm. As usual, folks sat around talking for about
another hour.
Disclaimer: These notes are as accurate as I could make them. There are
sure to be mistakes and possible misunderstandings in them. If you see
mistakes, please correct them in the comments.
Always in Service,
Mst Annes, OP

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