SC - Theme feasts

Terry Nutter gfrose at
Thu Apr 17 16:24:15 PDT 1997

Talking about the miscommunications that can occur between the 
kitchen crew and the servers caused me to have a sudden perverse 
desire to solicit server horror stories from sca-cooks' participants, 
either gaffes you've seen or made yourself.

For years, friends were wary about letting me on serving crews even 
when I volunteered because I am the messiest adult eater I know.  I 
narrowly escaped being given a bib to go with my Coronation garb.  
And this is not from lack of trying to be neat!  It just seems that 
the amount of food I spill or tip on myself and others is directly 
proportional to the formality of the occasion.

Nevertheless, aside from a few awkward moments with ladles, I'm a 
pretty good server.  I understand the concept of "portion control".  
(What a phrase.)  I've never flung gravy on a king, not even at 30YC. 
(I threw chicken *at* *MY king* on one occasion, but that was 
entirely voluntary.)  I digress.  I'm not sure I understand why the 
concept of portion control is so difficult to convey, I guess.

But that's not even my horror story for today.  No, indeed.  I 
discovered an important point that msut be conveyed in servers' 
briefings:  at al-Barran Midwinter last, I was serving head table.
Coming back to the kitchen for a refill of soup, my partner and I 
were horrified to observe one of the servers pick up a pewter water 
pitcher, *chug from it* and then sprint off into the dining hall, to 
pour more water for the diners!  No, we didn't catch him first!


Countess Berengaria de Montfort de Carcassonne, OP
Barony of Caerthe
Kingdom of the Outlands

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