SC - Allergy solutions

Mark Schuldenfrei schuldy at abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU
Tue Apr 29 08:54:55 PDT 1997

  The lady in charge of this feast was wanting some ideas
> for
> > cold/room temperature dishes that would be suitable for an artisan event. 
> > 
> > Yers,
> > 
> > Gunthar
> Roast meats ahead of time and serve them cold with or without bread.  This is
> best done with beef, but if you have refrigeration, it can be done with
> chicken and pork.
> Pickled vegetables.  Fresh vegetables. Fruit, cold meat pies.
> Just as coolers can be used for keeping food cool, fill with hot water for 20
> minutes, then drain and put hot food in it to keep the food warm.  You can
> then have hot soup for lunch.
> Derdriu
> ----

Thanks, I was looking into those.  What I guess I'm really looking for are some
period versions of "picnic lunches" that may have been recorded.  I was looking
into doing roasted meats with various cold sauces, meat pies, pasties, quiches,

I'd forgotten about pickled veggies (maybe put up a batch of herring...)

I DO like the idea about the hot water in the coolers.  Never thought of that



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