SC - Re: A&S Displays for food (was Bergamot and other herbs)

Lenny Zimmermann zarlor at
Wed Jul 16 09:50:48 PDT 1997

Good gentles,

I fear, as one pefroe me has stated, that we are going too far afield in
our discussions and losing the purpose of our list here.  Any topic that
focuses on modern issues that do not relate in some meanigful way to the
modern implementation of our craft from a medievel setting are out of
place here.

There have been good discussions that have gone askew, and askew
discussions that have gone good.
Quoted from the introductory guidelines sent when I subscribed:

 - This list is intended for information about recipes and feasts of the

   SCA and some related concerns.

 - If your discussion becomes personal, please do it privately.
   Remember, the topic here is COOKING AND RELATED ARTS, so
   stay on topic...............................

I mean no disrespect to anyone in bringing this up, just a request for
change.  I have reveled in the value of this list and it's lack of
'drivel' and "me too" posts.  Likewise the lack of chain letters, sci-fi
junkmail, personal annectdotes that wander far afield, and tragically
modern politicalisms.  I am redoubling my efforts to keep my meanderings
and off-topic stuff in private posts.  I ask your help in keeping the
quality of this fine list at its current high standards :o)

Please, don't respond to this on the list if directed at/to me
personally.  If good discussion material, by all means.  Either agree or
ignore me........I've seen plenty of both in my day :o)


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