SC - Newcomers Redaction

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Tue Oct 7 06:24:19 PDT 1997

On Mon, 6 Oct 1997 12:35:02 -0600 "Phyllis Spurr"
<PSPURR at> writes:
>Ok, newcomers, let's try our hand at the following receipt:
>To make a Tart of Ryce.
>Boyle your Rice, and put in the yolkes of two or three Egges into the 
>Rice, and when it is boyled, put it into a dish, and season it with 
>Suger, Cinamon, and Ginger, nad butter, and the iuyce of two or three 
>Orenges, and set it on the fire againe.
>Dawson, Thomas, The Good Huswife's Iewel, 2 parts. London, 1596/7.
>The English Experience, Number 865, Walter J. Johnson, Inc. Theatrum 
>Orbis Terrarum, Ltd. Amsterdam 1977 Norwood, N.J.
>We *can* do this!
>Phyllis L. Spurr
>Eowyn ferch Rhys Cyfurdd
>Barony of Elfsea, Ansteorra

Hey, I made this for an event I did last summer!


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