SC - Re- Pickled egg re

Marisa Herzog marisa_herzog at
Wed Oct 22 13:31:20 PDT 1997

- ---DUNHAM Patricia R <Patricia.R.DUNHAM at> wrote:
> Um, excuse me Mike, what part of the forest do -you- live in?
> Your SCA runs up to 1699?
> Chimene
>  ----------
> | Beginning of rant: the SCA covers the period of time extending
> | through the END of the 1600's, 
Emergency correction: end of the 1500's not 1600's.
Brain fart.

Rats. double-Rats. Large smelly *ugly* rats.

Thanks, Chimene, for correcting me in private first.

Pax ... Kihe / Adieu -- Amra / TTFN -- Mike
Kihe Blackeagle (the Dreamsinger Bard) / 
Amr ibn Majid al-Bakri al-Amra (AoA in SCA, so: al-Sayyid) /
Mike C. Baker: My opinions are my own -- no one else would want them!
     F.O.B. (Friend Of Blackfox)
Alt. e-mail: KiheBard at MikeCBaker at

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