SC - Period Use of Mushrooms

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Fri Dec 4 14:26:41 PST 1998

>I thought we would do things a little different this year. We have
decided that we are going to set up a menu and let the populace decide
what it is they wish to bring given the list of menu items. 

That sounds interesting, I wonder how willing folks will be to taking
your recipies and running with them?  We are doing our 12th Night pot
luck a bit differently to assure a good assortment of foods.  The
autocrat called me and said "I was thinking of doing last names that
start A-F bring vegetables, G-L bring starches, etc., What do you think?"
 I said it sounded way too pedestrian, and surely we could come up with
something better than that.  So, we went with personna types instead. 
So, if you have a Viking or Celtic personna, you are to bring vegetables,
German and Middle Eastern personnas are to bring grains or legumes,
Norman and French bring breads, Italian and Spanish bring Desserts.  (The
Barony is doing the main meat course.)  It's a nice change, anyway, so
we'll see how it goes.  
	Mistress Christianna

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