SC - medieval bacon Varju at
Mon Jul 27 10:04:43 PDT 1998

	I am beginning to wonder if it would not be easier to build a simple
tutorial that leads the new user to the various places to go without
overburdening him with long lists of key words.  Something like:

 "This is SCA Cooks, we have available the following types of assistance. .
. " 
	a short laundry list that does not go anywhere, 
"This is Stefan's Florilegium where you can find topics like. . . "
	a short laundry list of topics
"This is how to enter this listing. . "
	into a special file that starts with a FAQ page and then leads into
Stefan's Florilegium and / or the regular list we all read.
	It would almost have to be a program that will lead the newcomer into the
areas we lurk and store information.  I think something like this would
have computer novice like me and would also have clued me in on terms and
protocol of using this message area.

- ----------
> From: Bonne <oftraquair at>
> To: sca-cooks at Ansteorra.ORG
> Subject: Re: SC - Stefan's Florilegium files
> Date: July 26, 1998 10:56 AM
> Stefan li Rous wrote:
> > 
> > Niccolo commented:
> > 
> > >A FAQ page could be just the ticket.  It would, likewise, be a basic
> > >resource/springboard (READ: inspiration for further investigations)
> > >those who are not interested in lengthy disciurse or subscribing, but
> > >want a primer on the common misconseptions.  While Stephans
> > >catacombs of information are valuable, they can be intimidating for
> > >neophyte.
> > 
> > Catacombs?!! Argh. That is not the impression I've wanted. I want them
> > to access and I don't like them to be thought of as halls of dead
> How about a maze than?  You know, like in the garden, formed from living
> plants?  
> > I think the newcomers are often the biggest users of the files as they
> > don't say I know all that stuff already. 
> This difficulty comes in being new to SCA or computers and not having a
> framework to hang the search on.  Not realizing that question A might be
> answered in a file specifically about A, but there will also be
> information in sub-file C of file B.  Learning to use your search engine
> helped. Learning to search for related words helped more.  It's an
> thing.  that's why I think referencing specific files in the FAQ, rather
> the Florilegium as a whole, is good.  Gets people in there and used to
> looks of things.
> > If you have any suggestions for
> > how I might make the files less intimidating, I would certainly be
> > interested in any suggestions.
> Do you have "Search Also" followed by more "keywords" at the bottom of
> files?  That could be handy, though I can understand another layer of
> for you.
> Bonne

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