SC - Re: SC Ealdorereans experiment-VERY LONG

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Sun Sep 20 13:38:29 PDT 1998

In a message dated 9/19/98 9:59:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
alysk at writes:

<< Pickled mushrooms, from Sir Kenelme Digbie’s _The Closet 
 Opened_, as found in Cariadoc’s _Collection of Medieval and 
 Renaissance Cookbooks_.  I have edited out some of his instructions 
 that have no bearing on the preparation...It was a lot for my wrist to 
 “Pickled Champignons” >>

Would it be possible to for you to post the page this is found on in the
mauscript, please? My eyes are not waht they used to be and I would prefer not
to have to scan the manuscript with a magnifying glass to find but I am very
interested in reading the original in entirety. Thanks you in advance, for
your responce.



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