SC - Pirate sotelty

LYN M PARKINSON allilyn at
Thu Sep 24 22:20:54 PDT 1998

- --- You wrote:
In a message dated 9/25/98 7:55:48 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
Marian.DeBorah.Rosenberg at writes:

>  *blush* it really isn't that big of a deal. 
It is an uncommon accomplishment.  We're proud of you already.

- ---
Thanks, I know that it is something to be proud of, I just don't like people
making a big deal over it any more[1].

Over this past year and a half, much as I loved the ego-stroke of "gee you must
be really smart" I've gotten absolutely sick and tired of it.  I lost all of my
high school friends because I was a college girl now.  I suppose they assumed I
didn't want to hang around with mere high schoolers.

And it is kind of hard being, quite literally, the youngest student on campus
(and this was even worse when I was at community college).  If I act childish,
people who know my age will roll their eyes and say something like "you can
tell she's only 17." when they might be acting just as childish.

[1] However, should you feel any inclination to make a big deal over me, I'll
be happy to tell you my SAT scores.

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