SC - Re: LrdRas at
Thu Feb 11 12:43:59 PST 1999

Here you go with s in place of †.

Moderate (from the Ancient Cookery appended to Forme of Cury):

IIII. For to make Pommys morles.
Nym Rys and bray hem wel and temper hem up wyth almaunde mylk and boyle yt
nym applyn and par' hem and sher hem smal als dicis and cast hem ther'yn
after the boylyng and cast sugur with al and colowr yt wyth safron and cast
ther'to pouder and serve yt forthe.

Moderate (from the Ancient Cookery appended to Forme of Cury):

XXVIII. For to make capons in casselys.
Nym caponys and schald hem nym a penne and opyn the skyn at the hevyd (1)
and blowe hem tyl the skyn ryse from the flesshe and do of the skyn al hole
and seth the lyre of Hennyn and zolkys of heyryn and god powder and make a
Farsure (2) and fil ful the skyn and parboyle yt and do yt on a spete and
rost yt and droppe (3) yt wyth zolkys of eyryn and god powder rostyng and
nym the caponys body and larde yt and roste it and nym almaunde mylk and
amydon and mak a batur and droppe the body rostyng and serve yt forthe.

Pegge's Notes:
(1) head
(3) baste


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