SC - Dragon Stew (recipe)Period Political Correctness LrdRas at
Thu Sep 16 19:14:33 PDT 1999

In a message dated 9/16/1999 12:50:41 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
H940114 at writes:

<< Apicius Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome, J. D. Vehling >>

oopsie.  The Vehling is perhaps the worst of the many translations of 
Apicius.  Mr. Vehling was a much better chef than he was a translator or 
redactor.  Many of his recipes either include ingredients not found in the 
original, lack ingredients found in the original, or are so different it's 
hard to tell he's talking about the same dish.  
The Flowers translation is almost universally recommended by those on this 
list who have been around a while and have tried both translations.


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