Goodbye (RANT) (Was: Re: SC - Is Arrowroot Period?)

Elaine Koogler ekoogler at
Tue Apr 4 14:44:32 PDT 2000

Heather wrote:
> I am new to the field of cooking and feast in the SCA.


> I belong to a newly founded (well nearly founded) shire
> in Northern Kentucky. I am looking for a source for
> recipes and gear. Particularly in the gear department,
> I am looking for pots and pans heavy enough to come through
> campfire/hearth cooking.

Look for restaurants that are going out of business - a lot of times
they'll have a sale of their equipment!  We've gotten pots, baking
sheets, colanders, meat slicers, mixing bowls and lots of stuff like

You can also keep an eye on sales at discount and warehouse places
(Costco, Walmart, Kmart, etc.)  Sometimes they have good stock pots and
stuff.  I know Costco was selling cast ware for a while - about three or
four folks in our area each bought a set.

If you're up for spending a little more money, you can get some good
heavy iron kettles and the like from places like Townshend
( or other groups that cater to the needs of later
period re-enactors and buckskinners and the like.

I hope this helps!


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