SC - An Elderly Cookbook.- An Adventure in Recent History ;-)->"Southern...

Siegfried Heydrich baronsig at
Mon Apr 17 19:15:38 PDT 2000

Some interesting refferences arrise when you look up the word "vegetarian" in 
the dictionary (the real dictionary, not the SCA dictionary, which seems to 
be full of non-definite definitions):

"Vegetarian: Pertaining to or advocating vegetarianism.  Exclusively 
vegetable, as a diet.  One who holds or practices vegetarianism."

This would seem to indicate that vegetarians DO NOT eat meat, or cheese, or 
anything else which is not plant based.  There is no mention of "lacto-ovo" 
or "ovo-rectal" or anything else.  Vegetarians DO NOT eat meat.  

"Vegetarianism:  The theory or practice of eating only vegetables and fruits"

Hmmmnnn...Did I miss the cheese/eggs/fish reference in this one? Maybe I'll 
read it again to be sure...

"Vegetate:  To grow, as a plant.  To live in a monotonous, passive way."

Okay, now this sounds a little closer to home...

Folks,  no hard feelings, but I happen to agree with Sig on this one.  If 
you're going to a medieval feast, don't expect to be catered to because of 
your "life choices", particularly if they are far removed from the 
mainstream.  If the thought of consuming cooked animal flesh causes you to 
flinch, bring a sack lunch and enjoy the company anyway.  The vast majority 
of feast-goers are there for the food, not to flaunt their "political 
correctness" or "educated living".  Don't get me wrong on this, folks:  I 
have absolutely no problem with someone making a personal choice based upon 
religion, health or any other matter.  It is simply my opinion that they 
cannot, with clear conscience, expect the world to bend around them.  Those 
who do not expect this, and live with their own decisions without throwing 
them in my face, have my utmost respect.  It's the "Vegetarian Vampires" that 
get my goat.

Such a strange fascination, as I wallow in waste
That such a trivial victory could put a smile on your face.
                                        - Mark Burgess

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