SC - Toys for Tots and other comments BalthazarBlack at
Thu Aug 3 19:59:20 PDT 2000

In a message dated 8/3/00 12:01:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time, lcm at 

> As to the modern tradition- it actually does help- giving the kid a
>  happy day raises their endorphins and can make them more comfortable if
>  it doesn't substatially change thier condition. And most of these kids
>  are dying- I would rather a child take some happy memories of adults who
>  threw a cool party for him. I know if one of my kids were in that
>  position I'd do everything in my power to that end. 

So, in a sense, the Make-a-Wish program provides exactly the SAME benefit as 
the Toys For Tots program.  While neither of them extend a childs life or 
releive financial hardships, they make them "feel better".  If the opposition 
to the Toys for Tots program is due simply to it's lack of period analogy 
(which seems to be the case), then couldn't we throw in a reference to Santa 
Claus or some other period gift-giving Saint or Holiday??  Certainly THAT 
would make it acceptable, right?

Sheesh!  Give the Kids a break.  :)

Balthazar of Blackmoor

In the mornin' I go walking, 'cause it helps the hurtin' soften.  I've seen a 
lot of places, 'cause I miss her very often.

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