SC - Re: Pennsic Tales

Elaine Koogler ekoogler at
Wed Aug 23 13:01:02 PDT 2000

Okay, I guess I have to answer this, don't I?

> Well, I'm going to use this header to tell on our so-called Evil List
> Administrator ;-)

I AM evil.  I am! I am!

> I finally met him at the SCA Cooks Potluck.

It was very groovy. I even figured out a dish to bring and never had the
time to make it.  Boar in Comfitt. Basically take equal parts of honey and
white wine, add pepper and clove powder. Simmer until thickened and dip
ham chunks into it. Serve cold.

I met a lot of people and they all seemed to be surprised that I'm not
grey haired.

Had a wonderful time talking with Cariadoc and Elizabeth, Phlip, and
a whole slew of others. And the food was wonderful as well. We'll have
to put up a list of the dishes. There was also a delightful sugarpaste dragon
with a sparkler in its mouth.

And lots of food and SCA war stories were recounted.

> Folks, he looks like a cherub who has been around.......

Now THAT'S a new description.

> Reddish, curly locks, much younger and shorter than I expected, a rounded,
> soft face, and very tired eyes.

Well the eyes are always tired at War. I tend to stay busy.

> And he's truly a Knight. He told us (and Knights never lie) that he had
> tried to find our camp on two successive (k)nights, and had gotten lost- if
> he was wearing his white belt, knowing the Knights I know (and after all,
> what Knight has a clue?), it is perfectly understandable......

That is not quite true. I found my destination both times. But was running just

a wee bit late both times. Once I thought the enchiladas were being served at
the Orluck Oasis and the second time I found the right camp but you guys had
left. And both times it was a major disappointment as I missed duck mole
one night and the brewers tasting party the next. sigh.

> Ladies, Count Sir Gunthar is a very attractive man. And, not only does he
> cook and clean, but he does laundry- grab him if you can ;-)

Um.....thanks mom.

> And worst of
> all (or best of all) was at Ansteorra Chili Night- Ladies, he was wearing
> the most wonderful white tights, which set off his white belt and black
> tunic most wonderfully ;-)

It was a very SHORT tunic. People were actually surprised that I supervised
the serving wearing tights and a silk tunic.

Some comments about the chili party. I went into it totally unprepared as I had

no idea how many to cook for, relative quantities, or even what kind of kitchen

equipment I would have. I had to go to a few places to get all I needed as
But everyone in camp pitched in once the supplies arrived and the chili was
served exactly on schedule. There were a couple problems such as I decided we
needed more meat so I gave a runner $80 and sent him to town to get as much
ground beef as he could. The mild chili got too spicy because we were adding
bits of the vegetarian to it to extend the serving life as we made more. We
ran out of chips, could have used another two cases. General feast panic stuff.

I planned on serving 300 - 350 and by the end of the evening we figured that
we had given out nearly 500 servings. But everyone got fed and we had a half
a pot left that we served to the Ansteorran and Calontiri fighters for lunch
with some fried bologna.

The vegetarian was the spiciest and best of the lot, btw.

All in all I considered it a success.
And the helpers were miracle workers. I could never have done it without them.

> KallipygosRed. look out for KallipygosWhite- he has a most wonderful
> tuchus.....

Um....I'm rather attached to it......

> And Gunthar- did you ever catch up with that Blonde? Inquiring minds want to
> know.........

Yes I did. But that's another story.

Oh, and I met Phlip. She's pretty cool and not at all scary. I only regret that
didn't have time to spend more time with her.

> phlip at



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