SC - Period cookshop at Pennsic?

Catherine Deville catdeville at
Sat Aug 26 09:23:46 PDT 2000

> << Is there a market for it--are there a substantial number of people
>  who would eat period food if it were available? My guess is that the
>  answer is "yes," provided that a reasonable fraction of the dishes
>  were chosen to appeal to mass tastes, but I don't really know. >>

My household and I used to run a tavern at some of our local events and
they were quite popular, but because of logistics were seldom profitable
(our first even we actually *lost* money because we priced things too low,
but when the populace heard that we were in the red for having hosted the
tavern, many of them came by and made donations to offset our loss!)

I'd be pretty intimidated by the logistics of offering one at an event as
large as Pennsics, though!  Although I'd have to say it -would be really
fun, and is probably do-able if you don't get too fancy (as someone said,
sticking to field foods).  The problem as I see it would be that it would
take a considerable upfront investment if you aren't already set up to do
something like this (say, as a Ren-faire vendor.)

I remain, in service to Meridies,
Lady Celia des L'archier

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