SC - Clotted Cream taste test

Siegfried Heydrich baronsig at
Fri Dec 8 17:59:44 PST 2000

>>  I bought 168 "Mild Italian Sausages" for the feast.
>>Here's what they'll be served with:
>>Last year The Cook served them with purchased Dijon mustard. But i'm
>>serving Turnips in Mustard Sauce in the Second Course. Should the
>>sausages be served with a sauce or dip? If yes, which one(s)?>
>And niccolo replied
>>I have only one answer for that question whenever asked:  MUSTARD!
>>Even if second course has it, you can't get too much mustard.  The
>>le Menagier recipe is just grand.

Why not cook the sausages same as last year (tradition! good grief! whatever 
will they think of next?!) and cook the turnips in something else?

There is the oft repeated but delicious turnips in their armour, which is 
sliced parboiled turnips layered with cheese and then baked like oven fries 
or nachos.

Or roasted, or chipped, or soup (choose lots of flavouring - like perhaps 
turnip and pumpkin and cream, turnip and chicken, etc, spiced to taste) ... 
hm. Frankly and, unfortunately, turnips are like a spud, only less appealing 
to modern medieval tastes.


Alistair aka Stefano.

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