SC - Pork or Boar in the Holy Land

Wanda Pease wandapease at
Sun Feb 20 21:34:58 PST 2000

> Many years ago when I was studying French cooking
> under a chef in New York, one of the simplest root
> dishes he prepared was boiled sliced radishes with a
> cream roux and a dash of tarragon or sometimes just
> buttered with some chopped fennel leaves.  He insisted
> that his grandmother had always prepared them that way
> as had hers for several genrations before.   Has anyone
> ever seem any period evidence of preparing cooked
> radishes or for that matter, any period documentation of
> radishes being eaten at all in period?

Um, yes, in compost. There's also a sugar candy which uses radishes as a
substitute for pepper, IIRC. Pynades or some such. But cooked in cream
sauce in period, I'm not aware of anything like that. On the other hand,
since period ended (roughly) some sixteen generations ago, it's quite
possible what he says is correct, but they could still not be period.

Hey, which NY chef did you study under?

- -- 
Phil & Susan Troy

troy at

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