SC - Getting over it. (Way...way off topic.)

margali margali at
Tue Jul 11 09:51:32 PDT 2000

Hi all,
in doing some translating this week I came across a reference to an
alternative to almond milk.  In the anonymous 14th c. Tuscan cookbook two
different recipes so far call for "nut milk" as an alternative to almond
milk. You could argue that this is specifically walnut milk, but the word
noci is generally used to mean nuts generically .

Personally I like almonds, but if you were allergic it's good to know that
at least in 14th c. Tuscany you've got an alternative.  I also think it
might be interesting to try & see how differently flavored other nut milks
would be - hazelnuts yumm!

Please note I am not advocating that you run out & make pistachio milk for a
Viking dish or even walnut milk for a 14th c. French dish.  I don't recall
coming across this option in another recipe corpus, and would use it
sparingly even with 14th c. Italian foods, but it is a very cool piece of
info :->


>From an anonymous Tuscan manuscript of the 14th c.   translation c. Eden
Rain 2000:

Another way to make gourd/squash    (p. 48 in the paperback)
take dry squash, and put it to soak with hot water at vespers, and when it
is softened cut it small, and cut it over the [vessel] with onions, and with
oil, pepper and saffron: saute and put into sausage, make with vinegar and
breadcrumbs, to cook.  And in such mode you can make it with almond milk,
pepper, saffron, salt and oil and with milk of nuts.

De le zucche - Altremente.
Togli zuccche secche, et polle a mollo con acqua calda, al vespero; e quando
sono mollificate, tagliale minute, e taglia sora la taola, con cipolle, e
con oglio, pepe e zaffarano; soffrigi e poni in civero, fatto di aceto e
mollena di pane, a cocere.  E a tala modo si puo fare con latte d'amandole,
pepe, cruoco, sale e oglio e con latte di noci.

For those of you who are data junkies this recipe can be found (in Italian
of course) in L'arte Della Cucina in Italia (p. 48 in the
paperback)published by Einaudi Tascabili c. 1987 & 1992 Edited by Emilio
WARNING: Dates on the calendar are closer than they appear!

Eden Rain
raghead at

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