Philip & Susan Troy troy at
Wed Jun 21 08:23:26 PDT 2000

> I'm really, really hoping that the dinner portion of the Pas (which is to
> discuss the days events and speak on chivalric things) focused more on the
> discussion and not on the food.

Well, in a way. We stood in line with our plates and talked amongst ourselves.
Then got the hamburgers and iced tea and I sat with a few friends and we talked
about stuff until Court.

Oh, you must have meant discussions of Chivalry and Honor! Not quite.

> Was this Pas run by a Company or a local group? There could be some educational
> opportunities here...

It was by a group as their championship but it really wasn't run like a true Pas.

In the group's defense, it was a very enjoyable event rather like the ones I
when I first started in the SCA. And the cooks did make an effort to show at least

one period dish. And the good thing is that people seemed to like the period
I did explain to the cooks the proper way to make the patties next time and they
least offered to try.  But the cutsey names....that just hurt.

> Cedrin
> Princess Oertha


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