Peppercorn icecream? [was: Re: SC - Re: sca-cooks V1 #1928] Ladynoire at
Wed Mar 1 20:24:49 PST 2000

Unto:  Philippa Farrour
From: Guillermo Perez

Considering how many gratuitous insults have been offered, both to me,
personally, and to those of us who are striving for our Dream, by
Trimarians publicly and privately, I'm really wondering what your Peers
are elevated for- it certainly isn't tact or courtesy, at least from the
Peers and non-Peers I've been exposed to during this idocy.

Then perhaps you should head down to Trimaris and be elevated.  After
all, if you are not embarrased by the callous, tactless, and
discourteous comment you posted above, you need to rethink your view.

I find it amazing how so many people can carry on about something they
call idocy,  how they can be offended at the unpleasant comments leveled
against them at the same time that they hurl barbs back, how willing
they are to allow themselves to be coated in the hurled offal that
others throw so long as they can get a handful to land on another,
rather than shrug their shoulders, mutter to themselves "what an idiot,"
and continue on with their attempt to strive for their Dreams.

With love, compassion, and a muttering to myself of "what an idiot I am
to bother,"

I remain,

Master Guillermo Perez

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