SC - Ras's unusually cooking desires RichSCA at
Sun Mar 5 07:30:46 PST 2000

    I've thought a great deal about this over the years, and have come to
the conclusion that it's conceptual in nature, very akin to mathematical
ability. Mathematicians don't juggle numbers, they see concepts and
relationships. Show 'em a quadratic, and they can visualize the curve
described. This isn't to say that such an ability is automatic, and doesn't
require years of training and practice, but if you don't have the ability to
'grasp' the concept, you have to do it the hard way.
    Same thing in cooking; a great cook can see a recipe, and 'feel' the
interactions and 'visualize' the resulting taste. With the experience gained
over time, cooking becomes an intuitive process, one open it instant
interpretation. Music is the same way - a virtuoso performer thinks the
music, and it simply flows out of his fingers without being impeded by
conscious thought. (and Butch Thompson is playing here next week!!!)

> << Anyone else's thought's on what makes a great cook????? >>

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