SC - REAL OT - For Our Inverted Friends in Lochac

Wed Mar 15 19:47:37 PST 2000

>> Ah, chayote !!!!! ;-)
>> In my kitchen, there's something known as Cook's Privilege, where
>> certain things never make it to the table, they stay with the
>> kitchen help. One of those items is the tail of a chicken- another
>> is the seed of the chayote.

I've always halved the entire thing (including the seed) and thrown
away the seed and skin.  How do you prepare the seed?  Roast it?
Do you have a recipe for that?

I also noticed that the juice you get on your hands when peeling dries
rapidly and makes your hands feel about 200 years old.  I've cooked
the skin on the chokoe and it's very unpalatable.

Anyone got ny nice recipes for Chayote?  I once had an apple,
raspberry, and choko pie which was very tasty...

I'll stop babbling now...


ps.  If I stand on my head, will you guys understand me better?
pps. How do I subscribe (I read the list from home but am not
subscribed at work).

>> I noticed you mentioning you seeded the chayote, but there was no
>> mention after that- please don't tell me you've been throwing them
>> away.........
>> Phlip

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