SC - Digest 2014 - Food at A&S Competitions

Martina Grasse grasse at
Thu Mar 16 14:56:15 PST 2000

Greetings 'Lainie,

I found myself very concerned with the  food safely issue also.  I always 
include a hotplate or crockpot if I am entering/displaying things that should 
be hot, and though I have not displayed something that needed kept cold I 
suspect I would rig a setup with a plate over a bowl of ice, and change the 
ice frequently.

I also have been downgraded for having a crock pot at the back of my display 
(I tried to cover it with a cloth, but then no-one would sample, so I moved 
the cloth back somewhat...) but frankly safety is more important to me, I do 
not want to be known as "Botchulism Gwen-Cat."  
 I have always tried to have a pretty display (after all, die Augen essen 
mit), cloth linens, pretty dishes, flowers, etc., as well as providing clear 
documentation (have gotten downgraded for "too much" because I tend to 
include photocopy of my sources at the back - if my judge is unfamiliar I 
want to have my source available for them.)  Also I tend to work from 
facsimile sources when possible, and I like the populace to be able to see 
what is available.  And if possible I have extra copies of the recipe 
(without the entire documentation) for anyone who REALLY likes the dish to 
take away with them. (The not-yet-webbed tongue got good reviews, and all 
copies of the recipe went! - gratifying for me especially in light of most 
modern food prejudices.)
 Lately I have gotten in the habit of providing separate bowls/spoons for 
each of my 3 expected judges.  I also keep (non-period) plasticware under the 
table for members of the populace who want to sample but do not have their 
gear to hand.  
I took pictures of my displays at the last few competitions, they are webbed at

feedback and commentary always welcome. 

In service to the dream
Gwen Catrin von Berlin
Caerthe, Outlands

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