SC - Re: Pennsic Milk

Bonne of Traquair oftraquair at
Thu May 4 08:55:33 PDT 2000

I cannot comment on the accuracy of this warning - but I got it from my
mother, so I know that part of the chain is accurate.  I have made some
minor (grammatical and spelling) changes to the original message (well, the
original hurt my sensibilities!).  As well, I have tried to make it a little
more reader friendly and shorter!

Gwynydd of Culloden

Virus Warnings as of April 20 2000

Virus Warning 1: E-mail titled "Lets watch TV"
If you receive an e-mail titled "Lets watch TV" DO NOT OPEN IT.  It will
erase everything on your hard drive.  This information was announced
yesterday morning from IBM.

Virus Warning 2:  "KALI" - Internet virus.
AOL states that "KALI" is a very dangerous virus, much worse than "Melissa",
and there is NO remedy for it at this time. Some very sick individual has
succeeded in using the reformat function from Norton Utilities causing it to
completely erase all documents on the hard drive.  It has been designed to
work with Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. It destroys
Macintosh and IBM compatible computers.  This is a new, very malicious virus
and not many people know about it.  Pass this warning along to EVERYONE in
your address book and please share it with all your on-line friends ASAP so
that this threat may be stopped.  Please practice cautionary measures and
tell anyone that may have access to your computer.

Virus Warning 3:  A.I.D.S. VIRUS via E-mail called  "(OPEN: VERY COOL!:)".
There is a virus out now being sent to people via email.  it is called the
A.I.D.S. VIRUS.  It will destroy your memory, sound card and speakers, your
drive and it will infect your mouse or pointing devices as well as your
keyboards making it so that you can't type and it will not register on the
screen.  It self terminates only after it eats 5MB of hard drive space &
will delete all programs. It will come via E-mail called  "(OPEN: VERY
COOL!:)". DELETE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! immediately!!  It will basically,
render your computer useless.

Virus Warning 4:  e-mail titled  "Win A Holiday"
Very Urgent - Must Read Please - If you receive an e-mail titled  "Win A
Holiday"   DO NOT open it .  It will erase everything on your hard drive.
This is a new, very malicious virus and not many people know about it.  This
information was announced yesterday morning from Microsoft.

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