SC - Spanish Translation

Guenevere Nelson-Melby Guenevere_Nelson-Melby at
Thu May 11 08:38:34 PDT 2000

Balthazar wrote:
*    I have a quick question re: Blancmange in Catalan Style from Martino's
*Libro de arte coquinaria...
*The recipe states: "...let it boil for an hour, moving and stirring it
*constantly with a spoon, adding half a libra and a finely chopped and
*breast of capon...."

*Are we to assume that the author calls for half a libra of capon, _and_ the
*finely chopped and pounded breast?  This is my interpretation, but the
*of The Medieval Kitchen suggests that Martino meant "half a libra of sugar"
*and the breast of one capon.

Well, we'd have to see the rest of the recipe to see if it falls in line
with other blamange recipes fromt the era. Sugar souds about right, but it
really could be anything---even wine.

*Also, does anyone have a good recipe for rosewater?  I would much rather
*my own than purchase it from an importer of store.

I found a recipe simple enough for Girl Scouts to make, though it may not be
the official way:

Take a glass container with a screw-on lid. Fill half-full packed fresh rose
petals (organically grown). Fill with water. Leave in a dark place at room
temperature and shake wellin the morning and at night. At the end of a week,
if it's not strong enough strain it and repeat the process with the same
water but more rose petals. Works best with highly colored (eg red) petals.

*Balthazar of Blackmoor


*Complacency Breeds Contempt

Intelligence consists of recognising opportunity---anciet chinese proverb.

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