SC - Re: Ice alysk at
Tue May 23 13:57:12 PDT 2000

The story about Charlemagne and his doctors, Adamantius mentioned, is in
chapter 22 of Einhard's 'Vita Karoli Magni' (Live of Charlemagne). --
Later, in chapter 24, Einhard describes his eating and drinking habits,
e.g.: "Caena cotidiana quaternis tantum ferculis praebebatur, praeter
assam, quam venatores veribus inferre solebant, qua ille libentius quam
ullo alio cibo vescebatur" (his daily meals consisted of four courses
(?), he liked meat, that his hunters roasted, most). While eating, he
heard music or heard somebody read something (e.g. Saint Augustine). He
did not drink much wine during the meals: rarely did he drink more than
three cups... -- I am sure there are English translations of this text
out there. -- Einhard was a contemporary and a friend of Charlemagne.

<< 'Then, of course, I'm pretty sure we have access to which herbs were
grown in Charlemagne's gardens. ...'

Yes, I keep coming across references to this list of things he wanted
grown on his estates, but I can't find the whole list.  I am hoping
someone here can point me in the right direction. >>

The list is the Capitulare de villis. There are several editions and
books about this text:

- -- Capitularia regum Francorum. Denuo edidit A. Boretius. Tomus primus.
Hannover 1883. Nachdruck Hannover 1960 (MGH). [A standard edition; the
one I use]
- -- Capitulare de villis. Codex guelf. 254 Helmst. der Herzog August
Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel. Band 1: Kommentar. Band 2: Faksimile. Hg. von
C.R. Brühl. Stuttgart 1971. [Facsimile of the manuscript with a
commentary; the one I would like to have too]
- -- Fois Ennas, B.: Il Capitulare de villis. Mailand 1981. [not seen]
- -- Metz, G.: Das karolingische Reichsgut. Berlin 1960. [not seen]

Have fun,

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