Bubble and Squeak (OOP) Was Re: SC - Boxing Day Recipes?

Erika Thomenius ldygytha at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 30 19:50:06 PST 2000

>I do know about one version of toad in the hole but understand there are 
>several.  The one I know has you pull out the center hole in a >piece of 
>bread, put it in a skillet with lots of butter on low, break and egg into 
>the hole, fry it up a while, flip it over, fry
>for another while, remove and serve.

Another version is Yorkshire pudding with sausages.. (Place cooked sausages 
in a pan, cover with batter and bake.)

>Now.  What is Spotted Dick??
>Olwen, who can barely wait to laugh some more...

Spotted dick is a custard/pudding with currants in it.  And as Nanny Ogg 
says, I can't see what is in the least bit funny about that name, and if we 
keep on about everything like this we'll never get anything done.


(Doing best Beavis impression) heh heh.. heh heh.. he said "spotted dick")

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