SC - Tredura [Hashed Leeks]

Diana L Skaggs upsxdls_osu at
Wed Oct 4 16:47:16 PDT 2000

> If you find the cherry soup recipe, be sure to share it here.  One of our folk
> (who is on this list...Laird Muirghen) is cooking an event in November for which
> he is seeking eastern European recipes...and this one sounds great!

George Lainge's Cuisine of Hungary (which started us off on this chase)
has a recipe for sour cherry sou and claims that the recipe for sour
cherry soup is documentable to the early 17th century
 -- but the recipe he gives has tell-tale modern elements.

if he would like the handout from my class, such as it is, it's at

- -- Jadwiga

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