SC - Adaptation from Apicius for jerking meat

Olwen the Odd olwentheodd at
Thu Oct 19 07:39:10 PDT 2000

Hallo All!

My girls are always in the kitchen. My oldest, Lady Elizabeth, is the second
youngest person to recieve an AOA in this kingdom (age 10), and she got it
for helping cook and serve. She is such a trooper. Refuses to leave the
kitchen unless I also leave the kitchen. In fact at Aethelmearc's First
Crown Tourney, she refused to go to bed when equipment failure meant I was
making meat pies till 4 AM the night before the feast. Lady Elizabeth also
holds a Silve Buccle (children's award, earned at age 7, for serving and
kitchen prep work) and is the Order Principle for the  Carbuncle, our
Barony's children's award. She's working hard and I think will soon earn the
kingdom award for local service.

My middle daughter, Mary, is in a current "I'm interested in other things"
phase right now. However, she won, two years ago at age 8, an arts and
sciences contest in which she competed against adults. She made a period
Candy recipe.

And my 6 year old baby, Siusie? Well, she loves to eat. What can I say? She
cooks when her best friend also cooks. They sometimes help make the
garnishes (once spent a day making puff-pastry bunnies for an event).

Kids not only belong in the kitchen, they excell in the kitchen. It's a
perfect place for them to feel that they can make a real contribution to the
SCA, and not just attend events 'cause Mom or Dad made them come. I have no
fears that my kids will turn out to be truculant teenagers who drop out of
the SCA from boredom or a sense that they are disconnected from this
grown-up game.  And I can think of other children in the Kingdom who are
also excellent Kitchen Help: Justin the Wanderer (the Hael), Jonathon (son
of Ragnar Ketilsson) from BMDL. Ingrd Fridriksdottir from Thescorre. Elinore
from Sterlynge Vayle (nicknamed The Princess, who likes to bake).All found
in the kitchen upon occaision (or more frequently), all symbols of the
groups who allow them to participate at their own level rather than the
level people mistakenly THINK they should participate.



Sabia wrote:

Huzzah!  I am glad your girls and your area understand the importance of
allowing children to find ways to interact and help and learn to love
playing in the SCA.

Lady Tabitha wrote:
        I have been following the posts regarding kids helping in the
kitchen at events. I have 4 daughters ages 18mos, to 9 yrs. The older
are always eager to find a way to help at events. They regularly do
water-bearing ( the 9 yr old did3 consecutive hours last Gulf Wars)
and serve beverages at events.

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