SC - Re: Marlborough Pie (oop)

Bethra Spicewell christina_elisabeth at
Sun Oct 29 12:09:20 PST 2000

[Mailed Saturday evening, but never made it to the list AFACT, so I send
it again]

Malaches (Forme of Cury) 

159 Malaches. Take blode of swyne, floure, & larde idysed, salt & mele;
do hit togedre. Bake hyt in a trappe wyt wyte gres.

8 dl pigs blood
3-4 dl flour (mixed wheat and rye)
75 g butter (I was out of lard)

I mixed the blood, the flour, salt, and most of the butter (diced). I
poured it into a greased deep tin in an 200 C oven, for 75 minutes, with
a foil cover. By that time a knife point came out fairly clean, and the
internal temperature was 75 C.

The result is slightly dry, bland but not bad at all. I suspect that if
I used some fat source that did not "go into solution" completely the
dryness might be solved. Alteantively I could melt the butter before
mixing it in, but That Is Not Supported By The Original Recipie, so I
couldn't do that.

Those better at middle english than me can probably answer the question
of if it would have been better to make a pie crust.

Looking at a modern cookbook for black-pudding I see that the recipe has
changed, but the FoC version is clearly an ancestor. It was much less
dense than what is sold as black pudding in Sweden today; it was more
like a soft cake than anything else. It also tended to burn to the
sides of the tin (the modern recipie uses a water bath).

For lunch tomorrow I'll fry some up (in slices), not supported by the
recipie either, but that is SOP with black pudding nowadays. 

Who was it that needed black food? This is it... you can even tell them
what it is made of and _still_ get a reaction. Or make it in muffin tins
for Halloween.


P.S. 	1 dl = 1/10 litre (3-4 dl is thus 1.5 cups or so)
	200 C is pretty close to 400 F
	75 g is 2.5 oz

- -- 
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