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Michael F. Gunter michael.gunter at
Tue Oct 31 08:17:56 PST 2000

Man, I don't know what I'm going to eat when I get
Most of these, obviously, are dangerous in far greater
quantities than we'd
ever be likely to eat.  I mean, if garlic were all
that dangerous, the entire
population of Italy would have been wiped out
generations ago (and we'd be much
poorer for it, no aglio olio, no pesto...)! 
Nevertheless, it's eye-opening.

Some of those, (like Ginger) can actually be used
safely in normal quantities for some of the ailments
that go along with pregnancy. Ginger tea is WONDERFUL
for nausea, barfy  mornings, that yucky motion
sickness feeling. It's good when you aren['t pregnant
and diluted it's great for when kids are sick.
Fenugreek is another you mentioned that may be bad
during pregnancy, but is often given to women to
increase milk supply while breastfeeding. 
Knowing quantiites is fairly important. Check with
British sources, tho, because most of the american
stuff doesn't tell you quantities since herbs are
still considered "alternative" over here. (yeah
right!. What do people think the eazrly meds were?)But
there are several good book specifically on herbs and
other rememdies that can be used safely during

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