SC - Boiled peanuts, was, food bashing

Philip & Susan Troy troy at
Tue Oct 3 10:21:11 PDT 2000

Susan Fox-Davis wrote:
> Well actually, Huette sports a golden laurel wreath cornet that's pretty stunning.
> Maybe she should get up in tunica, do a little five-o'clock-shadow makeup and you can
> do a twins act.

Hey! I _said_ I shaved! Really close, too. I had no more five-o'clock
shadow at 11AM than, say, Zippy the Pinhead or Richard Nixon.
Five-o'clock shraggum fraggum mumble mutter hah! As for wreaths, I'm
sure Huette's is lovely! Is it solid gold? Most of what I see around
here are some kind of antiqued brass or copper, or else actual wreaths
of laurel leaves. On the other hand, these wreaths decrease the chances
of the Queen spotting your highly reflective nodding head as you sit
dozing off in Court, turning and consulting with the King and the
presiding Herald, and rearranging the agenda to be sure and call your
name while you are in REM sleep, causing you to leap into the air like a
gaffed salmon, bawling "Wha???" and propelled forward by the helpful
elbows and shin-kicks of household members, only to read a scroll about
the many wakeful nights you have spent in the service of the Crown, etc.
During which the Queen quietly makes remarks about people wanting to
remain inconspicuous and snooze in Court while wearing airport landing
lights on their heads... .

And for some reason the Queen seemed to see something funny about that.
Not a nice woman. 

Actually, there's an unspeakably wonderful Late-Empire gold-foil diadem
in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, made in the form of
overlapping laurel leaves. Not a wreath in the strictest sense, but much
lighter and more comfortable than mine. Good for stealth sleeping in
> That's okay, I have three performances in a chiton and white feathered wings this
> weekend, and I'm just hoping to have time to change out of them before Court on
> Saturday.  There's a pelican elevation, the first after mine, and I don't want people
> to get the wrong idea about me on my first 'court appearance' as a Pel...

Ah, yes, the old "wearing-your-bridal-gown-to-a-friend's-wedding" thing
is generally frowned upon by the arbiters of such matters. Maybe you
could make some kind of bird mask to make the effect seem intentional ; 
)  ?

- -- 
Phil & Susan Troy

troy at

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