SC - Re: Use of Medicinal Metals

Catherine Deville catdeville at
Sat Sep 9 08:41:40 PDT 2000

- ----- Original Message -----
From: 'Lainie

> across the idea that period food can be as simple and easy as using
> dried soup mix? Or can we? Is sekanjabin as easy to make as mixing
> gatorade in a plastic bag?

IMHO, pretty much (and a whole heck of a lot cheaper!).  Syrups take next to
no effort (although, cooking Sekanjabin for an hour while you go to visit
friends to get the mint is _not_ a good idea - I have a jug of toffee in the
fridge from doing this).  Perhaps if a cook offered to make the stuff well
in advance so that there really was no more on the day effort it would be
easier to convince the site cooks?  I would be tempted to offer Sekanjabin
and Lemon Syrup so that there is some variety.

Of course, the problem here really is that it is just so easy to go to the
local supermarket and pick up pre-made food (some of which only barely
deserves the name).  People are out of the habit of making their own things
and this is a hard hurdle to overcome.  For this, I have no ideas,


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