SC - Rotisserie and Cormary

Jenne Heise jenne at
Tue Sep 26 10:25:55 PDT 2000

<<<<  Ras offered:
The second edition of Pleyn Delit contains less errors than the first and The 
Medieval Kitchen contains less errors than some others. Cindy Renfrow's book 
Take a Thousand Eggs contains even less but I would suggest that if you could 
only have 2 medieval cook books in your kitchen that you purchase Coraiadoc's 
Collection of Medieval and Renaissance Cookbooks, Vol. I and II instead of 
any of the modern cookbooks containing period recipes suggestions. His 
volumes with give a dozen plus actual medieval or SCA period cookbooks at a 
total cost of less than 1 of any of the other books.  >>>>>

And whilst you are scraping up the funds (Under $25.00) for those two wonderful volumes of Cariadoc's, there are numerous online versions with which one can work.  We are in a GREAT age of technological convenience.  Given only two books, I would agree with Ras that these are the must-haves.  You get primary text either original language or translated on a whole heap of sources.

niccolo difrancesco  

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