SC - Period eggs

Jeff Heilveil heilveil at
Wed Sep 20 09:33:42 PDT 2000

I have been off in never-never orelim land again, but I was wondering if
there are any good sources which have descriptions of period eggs.  I know
that we have discussed this a little in the past and it was mentioned that
the eggs should be smaller, but how much smaller?  I can get pee-wees,
wee-pees small and medium eggs without difficulty and would be interested
in using these to better redact period recipes (pee-wees and wee-pees
appear to be the industry term for extra-small and extra-extra small

Thanks in advance.

Cu drag,

ps.  I need to check the beeswaxed eggs, as there is some discoloration
underneath the beeswax.  On the other hand, there is no smell to the eggs
other than that of the wax.  They have been hanging around since before
pennsic.  I'll crack one this weekend (outside) and let you know how it
goes.  If it is fune I shall let the one other remaining egg go a little
longer and check it later.  If the egg "seems" fine (ie no noxious
sulfurous smell) I'll probably drag it into the lab and check for
pathogens, since that what I do.  If it is okay that would be about 2
months un-refrigerated without any problems, including travel to and
residence at pennsic.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

To fight Honorably, to Love deeply, and to Cook in great volumes.  These
are man's finest virtues.
Jeffrey Heilveil M.S.		      Ld. Bogdan de la Brasov, C.W.
Department of Entomology	A Bear's paw and base vert on field argent
University of Illinois		    	  
heilveil at			     
office: (217) 244-5115
home: (217) 355-5702		       
ICQ: 34699710 	             

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