SC - Pig parts - OOP, OT - now tomato leaves

margali margali at
Wed Apr 4 12:31:33 PDT 2001

ep running up against the notion, among SCAdians, that cucumbers

are not per

    iod. This
    is quite definitely a SCAdian Urban Myth, because I've never seen it

in a print

    So, where is it coming from? If we can figure out where 'pink isn't

period' came

    from, we
    should be able to trace this myth too.

I think it comes from the idea that medieval food is wierd, and no
vegetable we commonly eat today was eaten in the middle ages.

Of course cucumbers are period. I don't know whether the ones you find
the grocery store are period varieties(I somehow doubt it), but you can
get some periodoid (at least) varieties in places like Indian grocery

Platina lists three types of cucumbers and a variety of ways to eat
them, so there are extent recipes from Italy 15th C.  Elizabethan
cookbooks also give recipes for preserving cowcumbers which sound
remarkably like recipes for dill pickles.  The OED refers cowcumber ->
cucumber, and under cucmber says "A creeping plant, Cucumis sativis
(family) Cucurbitaceae), a native of southern Asia, from ancient times
cultivated for its fruit. Sited in 1400 Of erbis he schal ete femel,
melones, cucumeris.  Wyclif makes reference to the plant in 1382, Where
cucumeris, that ben bitter berbis, waxen.

toodles, margaret
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