SC - Not eating cute furry animalsy

Radigan Leoncouer leoncouer at
Mon Apr 16 10:29:49 PDT 2001

Sorry about the forward. It seems that majordomo filters don't
like references to Hong Kong. Probably a SPAM problem.


    Actually. what's amusing is the fact that a great many tigers are now
being raised in back yards as food animals. When I was in Hong Kong, back in
'74, I was treated by a friend to a fabulous treat, tiger penis soup.
Fabulously expensive, I might add. Even more than fugu (which all it did was
give me an MSG like flush . . .), with even less effect. It wasn't even all
that good, though it was reputed to be a powerful aphrodisiac. Perhaps it
was that I just didn't need it . . . at the time . . .
    But tigers are being raised as livestock in cages all over Indo-China
today. Oriental apothecaries use almost every part of the animal, and a
fresh tiger is worth some serious bucks. Or rupees, or baht, or whatever.
Wild tigers may be scarce, but as a species, they have a whole new future
before them . . . Can they say 'Mooo-eoww'?


    "Tiger, tiger, lying quiet
        won't you supplement my diet?"

- ----- Original Message -----
>And as to tigers...well we just DON"T want to go there either!  I spent
two years in india with my friend, and we worked for his father as game
wardens.  Our most prevalent problems were  man-eaters...and the stupid
idiots who created the striped terrors.

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