Dansk kogebog A: haerrae salsae (was: SC - On topic)

UlfR parlei-sc at algonet.se
Tue Apr 17 04:06:02 PDT 2001

"Laura C. Minnick" wrote:
> UlfR wrote:
> > "Lambs wool" made with non-alcoholic cider?
> And what is that? I've never heard of it. (There's a lot of drinks I've
> never heard of. Mostly I'm a wine or microbrew person if I drink at
> all.)

IIRC, lamb's wool is a hot, sweetened & spiced ale drink characterized
by the addition of the pulp of a hot roasted apple; the fluffy roasted
apple pulp, along with any residual ale foam, which tends to rise to the
surface as the ale is heated, forms the signature "lamb's wool" which
floats on top and gives the drinker a kewl mustache. In other respects
it's pretty much the same as many another wassail-type drinks. I've
served it at 12th Night feasts to good reactions, normally when friends
who are brewers come to me and say, "This ten gallons of ale will be fit
to drink for the next two weeks or so, then it'll go off." I assume
there would be various low-to-non-alcohol options.
> >  Which ones of Chausers stories? Me, I'll have to memorize some of the
> >  thattir (short sagas) out of the Icelandic corpus. And some of the more
> >  outrageous parts of the elder Edda. You can't beat two people shouting
> >  inventive insults to each other across a strait.

My son and I have acquired a taste for a cheesy martial arts movie
called "Iron Monkey" (think of Johnston McCulley's 1909 "The Curse of
Capistrano", a.k.a. "The Mark of Zorro" set in Qing Dynasty China); it
features the character of Wong Fei-hung (a historical figure much
revered in China as the leader of the military arm of the political
movement that installed Dr. Sun Yat-sen as President of the First
Republic of China) as a young boy, who gets to speak the following
immortal line to a bunch of teenage thugs <translated from Cantonese>:
"Shame on you! Your mother would have been better off giving birth to a
pork bun than to you!" Upon which it is family ritual for my son and I
to look at each other and say, "Man. That's harsh."    
> Well, it's the Egil Skallagrimsson Memorial Tourney (affectionately
> known as Egils) so lots of folks will be telling bits of Egil's Saga (I
> like the bit where he puked in the innkeeper's face) so I will be
> especially interested in being forcefully Gothic :-) and telling tales
> from my period.
> Right now I figure the Miller's Tale (bawdy- the kids will love it) and
> the Wife of Bath's Tale (Gawain and the Loathly Lady- a feminist moral
> tale), maybe Chanticleer, maybe the Reeve's Tale (though it is just
> mean-spirited so maybe I won't).

You know, I am constantly amazed at the fact that people who croon
(justifiably) over the merits of Chaucer will speak ill of the Three
Stooges, given some of the plotlines.

Adamantius (spread out, knuckleheads!)
- -- 
Phil & Susan Troy

troy at asan.com

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