SC - Watermelon Pickles

Stefan li Rous stefan at
Tue Apr 24 23:03:53 PDT 2001

Food is so expensive out where we live, that we really have to have limits on who can eat how much.  But we do acknowledge that low blood sugar is easily avoided!

We try to offer bread and butters for free to everyone, whether they buy  afeast or not. Then we reserve the expensive foods for those that pay towards the feast. We do niggle a bit on price of
the feast, for those that are broke, esp if the person has offered assistance in some way.  This way no one goes hungry, and we do nto spend lots of money feeding everyone indiscriminately.

I think its also fair for kitchen staff to nibble in reasonable amounts,and work a way for those that cannot sit and eat get their fair portions, and get their serving when the rest of the hall
is fed rather than wait for cold leftovers after all that work!

I have really enjoyed hearing everyones views and styles. I will look at starting some of these traditiosn in our areas, such as having food specifically for kitchen staff to nibble, and will
consider the pros and cons of all the aspects mentioned here. Thanks for sharing, everyone!!

Duchess Aleska of Caerleon

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